Industrial Training and Assessment Centers
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Industrial Training and Assessment Centers
Grant Funding Opportunity NOW OPEN
Up to $300k at 50% cost share for qualifying* projects.
Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received an ITAC, Onsite Energy/CHP TAP, or qualified equivalent assessment since 2018 can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations at up to 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per grant.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.

Saving Energy and Reducing Costs for Small and Medium-sized US Manufacturers

The US DOE Industrial Training and Assessment Centers (ITACs) can help small and medium sized US manufacturers save energy, improve productivity, and reduce waste by providing no-cost technical assessments conducted by university based teams of engineering students and faculty.

Ask a Technical Question

The ITAC program has conducted 22,001 assessments with 162,520 associated recommendations. Average recommended yearly savings per assessment is $142,002.

ITAC Assessments Cover ALL Manufacturing Sectors

311 Food Manufacturing 1,222
312 Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing 288
313 Textile Mills 129
314 Textile Product Mills 71
315 Apparel Manufacturing 51
316 Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing 10
321 Wood Product Manufacturing 442
322 Paper Manufacturing 371
323 Printing and Related Support Activities 242
324 Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing 115
325 Chemical Manufacturing 713
326 Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 1,029
327 Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 362
331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 554
332 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 1,359
333 Machinery Manufacturing 815
334 Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 393
335 Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing 281
336 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 877
337 Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing 229
339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 334

ITAC Program Awards

ITAC Center of the Year Awards

Awarded Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
University of Missouri-Columbia
West Virginia University
University of Utah

Student Research Awards

Awarded Center/Research Title
Arizona State University
Arizona State University ITAC: A Study on Compressed Air System Performance: Evaluating the Role of Master Controllers in Energy Efficiency and Cost Reduction
University of Alabama
University of Alabama ITAC: Noninvasive Water Flow Measurement in Industrial Cooling Towers
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee ITAC: Harnessing Organic Waste Streams for Efficient Hydrogen Production and Water Treatment
West Virginia University
West Virginia University ITAC: Energy Impact on Manufacturing Aggregate Planning for SME under Conditions of Dynamic Pricing of Utilities
University of Illinois, Chicago
University of Illinois, Chicago ITAC: Planning and Operation Co-Optimization of PV-battery System in Manufacturing Facilities
University of Dayton
University of Dayton ITAC: Development of a Machine-Learning Basis for Assessment of Compressed Air System Performance Conditions
San Diego State University
San Diego State University ITAC: Application of the cold stream of a Ranque-Hilsch vortex flow for Nox reduction while using the hot air stream to enhance combustion efficiency
University of Utah
University of Utah ITAC: Increasing the Accessibility of Industrial Electric Load Profile Data: Tools for Organization and Benchmarking

ITAC Resources

ITAC Assessment Protocol

The following guidelines are designed to describe the process of a typical ITAC energy assessment.
View Assessment Protocol

ITAC Case Studies

These case studies highlight specific assessments with notable recommendations and implementation.
View All Case Studies

ITAC Related Published Papers

The ITAC centers published multiple papers each years based on and inspired by ITAC related activities.
View All Published Papers

ITAC Technical Documents

Includes ITAC program manuals, guidelines, and other related technical documents.
View All Technical Documents

ITAC Webinars

Webinars about various program and energy assessment related technologies and topics.
View All ITAC Webinars

ITAC 101 Courses

Course topics and related quizzes cover a variety of fundamental industrial energy technologies.
All ITAC 101 Courses and Quizzes

ITAC Database

A collection of all the publicly available assessment and recommendation data is available online in the Industrial Training and Assessment Centers (ITAC) Database. This includes information on the type of facility assessed (size, industry, energy usage, etc.) and details of resulting recommendations (type, energy & dollars savings etc.).

As of 12/21/2024, the ITAC database contains: The Database can be searched by: Searchable summary pages include:

The ITAC database data is also available for download.