Oregon State University
Director: Karl Haapala
ITAC logo
Oregon State University
Grant Funding Opportunity NOW OPEN
Up to $300k at 50% cost share for qualifying* projects.
Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received an ITAC, Onsite Energy/CHP TAP, or qualified equivalent assessment since 2018 can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations at up to 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per grant.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.

The Oregon State University Industrial Assessment Center (OR-ITAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.

OR-ITAC Activity Map
822 Assessments
4,944 Recommendations
11.24 Tbtu Energy Saving*
$186.22 million Cost Savings*
196 Students Trained
*Recommended Savings
Oregon State University also coordinates activities with:
Lane Community College
Energy Engineering related programs, degrees, etc:
Generic ITAC Assessment Activity Generic ITAC Assessment Activity

Recent Case Studies

Related Papers & Publications
Khaled I. Alhamouri, James T. O'Connor, Karl R. Haapala, Brian K. Paul, Conceptual range estimation for total cost of ownership of modular process-intensified chemical plants, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 2023
D Ramanujan, WZ Bernstein, N Diaz-Elsayed, KR Haapala, The role of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing sustainability assessment, 2023
Matthew W. Thomas, Lindsey N. Rubottom, Thomas H. Shellhammer, Karl R. Haapala, Brian M. Fronk, A Study of Hop Kilning Energy Consumption with Respect to Drying Temperatures in the Pacific Northwest | doi:10.1615/TFEC2023.app.046323, 2023

Noteworthy Feedback
"It was a very nice experience, and was great to get some new ideas that got us thinking. Overall, very professional and easy group to work with."
- Source: Greg Will, Operations Manager, Calbag Metals, 2024-12-06
"Great experience, whole team really appreciated the opportunity. They found it helpful to have the calculated energy cost and savings in order to get... more"
- Source: 2024-10-28
"The assessment process and report were very thorough. The team was very professional and efficient. We were happy to provide an opportunity for the students to... more"
- Source: Demetriah Webster, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Ichor Systems, 2024-12-18
...click to view more Noteworthy Feedback

Assessment - Case Studies

Great Western Malting

Papers & Publications


3 Papers / Publications

Matthew W. Thomas, Lindsey N. Rubottom, Thomas H. Shellhammer, Karl R. Haapala, Brian M. Fronk, A Study of Hop Kilning Energy Consumption with Respect to Drying Temperatures in the Pacific Northwest | doi:10.1615/TFEC2023.app.046323 | Oregon State University ITAC
D Ramanujan, WZ Bernstein, N Diaz-Elsayed, KR Haapala, The role of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing sustainability assessment | Oregon State University ITAC
Khaled I. Alhamouri, James T. O'Connor, Karl R. Haapala, Brian K. Paul, Conceptual range estimation for total cost of ownership of modular process-intensified chemical plants, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing | Oregon State University ITAC


4 Papers / Publications

Tolley, T. E., Fronk, B. M., Investigation of the Benefits of Diabatic Microreactors for Process Intensification of the Water-Gas Shift Reaction within the Steam Reforming Process, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.08.282 | Oregon State University ITAC
Jacob, T. A., Fronk, B. M., Experimental Investigation of Low GWP Alternative R1233zd(E) for Use in Organic Rankine Cycle Condensers, IIR Rankine 2020 Conference – Advances in Cooling, Heating and Power Generation, Edinburgh, Scotland (presented virtually), 26-29 July | Oregon State University ITAC
Chamorro, D. S., Fronk, B. M., Potential of Using Graded Porous Stainless Steel Support Structures to Improve Efficiency of Hydrogen Separation in Steam Reforming Processes, 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, New Orleans, LA (presented virtually) | doi:10.1615/TFEC2020.ens.031962 | Oregon State University ITAC
Jacob, T. A., Matty, E. P., Fronk, B. M., Comparison of R404A Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop with Low Global Warming Potential Replacement Candidates R448A and R452A, International Journal of Refrigeration | doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2020.03.014 | Oregon State University ITAC


6 Papers / Publications

Bukshaisha, A. A., Fronk, B. M., Simulation of Membrane Heat Pump System Performance for Space Cooling, International Journal of Refrigeration | doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2018.12.010 | Oregon State University ITAC
Karki, S., Haapala, K. R., Fronk, B. M., Investigation of the Combined Efficiency of a Solar/Gas Hybrid Water Heating System,, Applied Thermal Engineering | doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.12.086 | Oregon State University ITAC
Karki, S., Haapala, K. R., Fronk, B. M., Technical and Economic Feasibility of Solar Flat-Plate Collector Thermal Energy Systems for Small and Medium Manufacturers, Applied Energy | doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113649 | Oregon State University ITAC
Matty, E. P., Jacob, T. A., Fronk, B. M., Measurement of Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient of R-134a in a Horizontal Circular Tube using Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors, 4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 14-17 April | Oregon State University ITAC
Jacob, T.A., Matty, E. P., Fronk, B. M., Use of Optical Distributed Temperature Sensors for Condensation Heat Transfer Measurements of R134a in Circular Channels, 4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 14-17 April | doi:10.1615/TFEC2019.emt.027546 | Oregon State University ITAC
Jacob, T. A., Matty, E. P., Fronk, B. M., Experimental Investigation of In-Tube Condensation of Low GWP Refrigerant 450A using a Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensor, International Journal of Refrigeration | doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.04.021 | Oregon State University ITAC


3 Papers / Publications

Polander, M. D., Harder, E. D., Junker, J. F., Fronk, B. M., Numerical Analysis of Time Required for De-stratification in Warehouses, 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference, West Lafayette, IN, 9-12 July | Oregon State University ITAC
Bukshaisha, A. A., Fronk, B. M., Simulation of Seasonal Performance of a Membrane Heat Pump System in Different Climate Regions, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, IN, 9-12 July | Oregon State University ITAC
Karki, S., Haapala, K. R., Fronk, B. M., Thermal Performance Evaluation of a Residential Solar/Gas Hybrid Water Heating System, 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference, West Lafayette, IN, 9-12 July | Oregon State University ITAC


2 Papers / Publications

Armatis, P.D., Fronk, B. M., Evaluation of Governing Heat and Mass Transfer Resistances in Membrane Based Energy Recovery Ventilators with Internal Support Structures, ASHRAE Science and Technology for the Built Environment, | doi:10.1080/23744731.2017.1325705 | Oregon State University ITAC
Fronk, B. M., Keinath, C.M., Comparison of Primary Energy Consumption of Vapor and Non-Vapor Compression Natural Refrigerant Heat Pumps for Domestic Hot Water Applications, Proceedings of 12th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 15-18 May | Oregon State University ITAC


1 Papers / Publications

AUCD Athukorala, WJA Jayasuriya, ATD Perera, MPG Sirimanna, RA Attalage, A techno-economic analysis for an integrated solar PV/T system for building applications | Oregon State University ITAC


2 Papers / Publications

AUCD Athukorala, WJA Jayasuriya, S Ragulageethan, MPG Sirimanna, RA Attalage, Amarasinghage Tharindu Dasun Perera, A techno-economic analysis for an integrated solar PV/T system with thermal and electrical storage—Case study | Oregon State University ITAC
WJA Jayasuriya, AUCD Athukorala, S Ragulageethan, ATD Perera, MPG Sirimanna, Thermo-economic analysis of a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system for different configuration settings | Oregon State University ITAC


6 Papers / Publications

S. Long, E-H. Ng, and C. Downing eds.Tanida Chongvilaiwan, Javier Calvo-Amodio and Joe Junker, THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE DESIGN OF AN ENERGY ANALYSIS COLLABORATIVE STRUCTURE USING SOFT SYSTEMS METHODOLOGY , American Society for Engineering Management 2014 International Annual Conference | Oregon State University ITAC
S. Long, E-H. Ng, and C. Downing eds.Tanida Chongvilaiwan, Javier Calvo-Amodio and Joe Junker, SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE FOR DYNAMIC NON- PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: INTEGRATING LEAN THINKING AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT THROUGH SYSTEMS THINKING, the American Society for Engineering Management 2014 International Annual Conference | Oregon State University ITAC
Haapala, K.R. and P. Prempreeda, Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of 2.0 MW Wind Turbines, International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 170-185 | Oregon State University ITAC
Haapala, K.R. and P. Prempreeda, Environmental Impacts of Integrating Wind Energy Systems and Supplemental Energy Generation and Storage Systems, International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 186-206 | Oregon State University ITAC
Lajevardi, B., K. R. Haapala, and J. Junker, Real-time Monitoring and Evaluation of Energy Efficiency and Thermal Management of Data Centers, SME Journal of Manufacturing Systems | Oregon State University ITAC
Lajevardi, B., K. R. Haapala, and J.F. Junker, Real-time Monitoring and Evaluation of Energy Efficiency and Thermal Management of Data Centers, NAMRI/SME, Vol. 42, Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Oregon State University ITAC


2 Papers / Publications

John Thornton,Pamela Barrow, Larry Blaufus and Sam Walker, Todd Amundson, Jerry Harris and Steve Martin, Tim McMenamin, Joe Junker, Bonnie Moore, Elizabeth Scott, COLLABORATION ACROSS ORGANIZATIONAL BOUNDARIES: A SUCCESSFUL MODEL OF INDUSTRY SHARING TO IMPROVE COMPETITIVENESS, the 2013 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry | Oregon State University ITAC
Bozorgirad, M.A., H. Zhang, K.R. Haapala, and G.S. Murthy, Environmental Impact and Cost Assessment of Incineration and Ethanol Production as Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategies, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 1502-1512 | Oregon State University ITAC


1 Papers / Publications

Hapke, H.M., Wu, Z., K.R. Haapala, and T.K.A. Brekken, Wind Power, Energy Technology, and Environmental Impact Assessment, Chapter 16 in Volume II: The Global Supply Web: Designing Managing, and Measuring; The Business of Sustainability: Trends, Policies, Practices, and Stories of Success | Oregon State University ITAC


1 Papers / Publications

Hapke, H., K. R. Haapala, Z. Wu, T. K. A. Brekken, Life Cycle Assessment of Modern Wind Power Plants, 2010 ASME IDETC/CIE: 15th Design for Manufacturing and the Lifecycle Conference (DFMLC), Montreal, Canada | Oregon State University ITAC

Noteworthy Feedback

"The assessment process and report were very thorough. The team was very professional and efficient. We were happy to provide an opportunity for the students to... more"
"The assessment process and report were very thorough. The team was very professional and efficient. We were happy to provide an opportunity for the students to receive practical experience." "The assessment process and report were very thorough. The team was very professional and efficient. We were happy to provide an opportunity for the students to receive practical experience." "The assessment process and report were very thorough. The team was very professional and efficient. We were happy to provide an opportunity for the students to receive practical experience." "The assessment process and report were very thorough. The team was very professional and efficient. We were happy to provide an opportunity for the students to receive practical experience."
- Source: Demetriah Webster, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Ichor Systems, 2024-12-18
"It was a very nice experience, and was great to get some new ideas that got us thinking. Overall, very professional and easy group to work with."
- Source: Greg Will, Operations Manager, Calbag Metals, 2024-12-06
"Great experience, whole team really appreciated the opportunity. They found it helpful to have the calculated energy cost and savings in order to get... more"
"Great experience, whole team really appreciated the opportunity. They found it helpful to have the calculated energy cost and savings in order to get approved funding." "Great experience, whole team really appreciated the opportunity. They found it helpful to have the calculated energy cost and savings in order to get approved funding." "Great experience, whole team really appreciated the opportunity. They found it helpful to have the calculated energy cost and savings in order to get approved funding." "Great experience, whole team really appreciated the opportunity. They found it helpful to have the calculated energy cost and savings in order to get approved funding."
- Source: 2024-10-28
"The report was helpful and easy to read."
- Source: Nathan Nystrom, Vice President, 2023-08-30
"Easy report to read. Great team to work with. Very thorough and great report with even additional ideas for incentive opportunities."
- Source: Darren Paschke, Plant Manager, 2023-07-31
"The report was informative and easy to read. Thank you and your team for the hard work you put into this. We really appreciate the information and we look... more"
"The report was informative and easy to read. Thank you and your team for the hard work you put into this. We really appreciate the information and we look forward to working with you in the future." "The report was informative and easy to read. Thank you and your team for the hard work you put into this. We really appreciate the information and we look forward to working with you in the future." "The report was informative and easy to read. Thank you and your team for the hard work you put into this. We really appreciate the information and we look forward to working with you in the future." "The report was informative and easy to read. Thank you and your team for the hard work you put into this. We really appreciate the information and we look forward to working with you in the future."
- Source: 2023-06-02
"The report was easy to read and very helpful. I sincerely than you for all the help and assistance."
- Source: 2023-04-24
"The facility was happy with the report and mentioned it was very helpful and easy to read."
- Source: 2020-01-20
"We had a very fun and productive experience with the team that audited our facility – we were all impressed with their professionalism, their knowledge and... more"
"We had a very fun and productive experience with the team that audited our facility – we were all impressed with their professionalism, their knowledge and insight, their intelligence, and their proactive attitudes – great people to work with! OSU has developed some promising young engineers who are now entering our workforce. I look forward to following their careers and hearing about their accomplishments in the future." "We had a very fun and productive experience with the team that audited our facility – we were all impressed with their professionalism, their knowledge and insight, their intelligence, and their proactive attitudes – great people to work with! OSU has developed some promising young engineers who are now entering our workforce. I look forward to following their careers and hearing about their accomplishments in the future." "We had a very fun and productive experience with the team that audited our facility – we were all impressed with their professionalism, their knowledge and insight, their intelligence, and their proactive attitudes – great people to work with! OSU has developed some promising young engineers who are now entering our workforce. I look forward to following their careers and hearing about their accomplishments in the future." "We had a very fun and productive experience with the team that audited our facility – we were all impressed with their professionalism, their knowledge and insight, their intelligence, and their proactive attitudes – great people to work with! OSU has developed some promising young engineers who are now entering our workforce. I look forward to following their careers and hearing about their accomplishments in the future."
- Source: Laurie Pierce, Senior Engineer, LOTT Clean Water, 2015-06-26
"In general, a really impressive report. The team did an outstanding job."
- Source: Bruce Schacht , Environmental Engineer, Columbia Steel Casting Co, 2015-04-01

Contact Center

Center Director Karl Haapala
Email haapalak@oregonstate.edu
Phone # 1 (541) 737-3122
Fax # 1 (541) 737-2600
Mailing Address 204 Rogers Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
Other Adam Boyd
Assistant Director Jayani Jayasuriya
Other Suzanne Marinello

Oregon State University has trained 196 students

The following students participated in ITAC assessments with Oregon State University since 2003, when student name tracking began.
The 94 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
Abdrew McMahan
Adam Miklasz
Adam Shareghi
Adam Taylor
Aimee Glenn
Alan Heninger
Alberto Pezzani
Alex Cimino-Hurt
Ali Martz
Allison Stoneklifft
Anastasia Engebretson
Andrea M Harteloo
Anthony Mizener
Anya Lehman
Anya Mae Panose
Austin Aguilera
Ben Brubaker
Benjamin Bellman
Benjamin Parmenter
Blair Hasler
Blake Giles
Bonnie Elder
Brad Moore
Brandon Murray
Brayden Wigle
Brendon Dearing
Brian Bejcek
Brian Daniels
Briley Heller
Bryan Kilgore
Byran Smucker
Camden Warme
Carl Moen
Carlin Scott
Casey McMann
Chris Cunningham
Chris Houck
Chris Uri
Christian Nguyen
Christopher Curl
Claire Cushing
Colin Trachte
Colleen Ferry
Colleen Johnson
Connor Crowley
Cosmo Prindle
Dan Tremblay
Danae Swatman
Daniel Abernathy
Daniel Weiland
David Brown
David Chan-Vasquez
David LeBourveau
David McIntosh
David Okenwa
Davis Chamorro
Devlin Junker
Dexter Clifton
Doug Heymann
Drew McMahan
Dustin Bailey
Eddi Kamber
Eddie Blackwell
Elsie Deland
Emily Dahbura
Erik Johnson
Ethan Herr-Williams
Ethan Matty
Ethan Milton
Eva Woodson
Evan Talan
Evan White
Fiorella Espinoza
Forest Giardina
Geoff Cerruti
Hadi Hasan
Hailey Dawson
Hannah Thomas
Hari P. N. Nagarajan
Holda Biskeborn
Ian McKelvey
Isshu Lee
Jack Lapham
Jacob McWhirter
Jacob Gradwohl
Jacob Kinzer
Jacob Reierson
Jacob Staudhammer
Jake Volkman
Janice Keeley
Jasper Whelan
Jeff Billings
Jeff Gagatko
Jeff Mitchell
Jennifer Riehl
Jesse Abel
Jessie Hong
Joe Ferron
Joe Piacenza
John Anttonen