University of Alabama
Director: Joseph Carpenter
ITAC logo
University of Alabama
Grant Funding Opportunity NOW OPEN
Up to $300k at 50% cost share for qualifying* projects.
Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received an ITAC, Onsite Energy/CHP TAP, or qualified equivalent assessment since 2018 can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations at up to 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per grant.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.
ITAC Center of the Year: 2011
Student Research Award Winner: 2012, 2019, 2023

The University of Alabama Industrial Assessment Center (UA-ITAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.

UA-ITAC Activity Map
324 Assessments
2,173 Recommendations
6.64 Tbtu Energy Saving*
$56.63 million Cost Savings*
150 Students Trained
*Recommended Savings
Energy Engineering related programs, degrees, etc:
Generic ITAC Assessment Activity Generic ITAC Assessment Activity

Recent Case Studies

Related Papers & Publications
Ramon Peruchi Pacheco da Silva, Keith Woodbury, Forooza Samadi, Joseph Carpenter, Band Heater Heat Flux Characterization Using Inverse Heat Conduction Problem Models, ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | doi:, 2024
Ramon Peruchi Pacheco da Silva, Forooza Samadi, Josh Losole, Joseph Carpenter, Strategic Evaluation of Sustainable Practices for HVAC Systems in Small- and Medium- Sized U.S. Manufacturers, ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities | doi:, 2024
Ramon Peruchi Pacheco da Silva, Forooza Samadi, Keith Woodbury, Joseph Carpenter, Flow Measurement Through Machine Learning: A Novel Non-Intrusive Volumetric Flow Meter, ASME 2024 Heat Transfer Summer Conference | doi:, 2024

Assessment - Case Studies

Small Lumber Mill Finds Big Energy Savings

Energy Efficient Lighting: Towards a Brighter Future

Compressed Air Savings: Less is More

Papers & Publications


3 Papers / Publications

Ramon Peruchi Pacheco da Silva, Forooza Samadi, Keith Woodbury, Joseph Carpenter, Flow Measurement Through Machine Learning: A Novel Non-Intrusive Volumetric Flow Meter, ASME 2024 Heat Transfer Summer Conference | doi: | University of Alabama ITAC
Ramon Peruchi Pacheco da Silva, Forooza Samadi, Josh Losole, Joseph Carpenter, Strategic Evaluation of Sustainable Practices for HVAC Systems in Small- and Medium- Sized U.S. Manufacturers, ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities | doi: | University of Alabama ITAC
Ramon Peruchi Pacheco da Silva, Keith Woodbury, Forooza Samadi, Joseph Carpenter, Band Heater Heat Flux Characterization Using Inverse Heat Conduction Problem Models, ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | doi: | University of Alabama ITAC


1 Papers / Publications

Ramon Peruchi Pacheco da Silva, Keith Woodbury, Forooza Samadi, Joseph Carpenter, Heat Flux Characterization From a Band Heater to Pipe Using Inverse Heat Conduction Problem Method, ASME 2023 Heat Transfer Summer Conference | doi: | University of Alabama ITAC


3 Papers / Publications

Kincaid, K. and MacPhee, D.,, Numerical Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Wells Turbine with Flexible Blades, Journal of Energy Resources Technology | University of Alabama ITAC
Forooza Samadi, Keith A. Woodbury, James V. Beck, Analytical solution for partial heating on the exterior of the pipe with application to measuring fluid flow rate,, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 159 | doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.120146 | University of Alabama ITAC


1 Papers / Publications

Joseph Carpenter,, Keith A. Woodbury, Zheng O'Neill, Using change-point and Gaussian process models to create baseline energy models in industrial facilities: A comparison, Applied Energy, March | doi: | University of Alabama ITAC


1 Papers / Publications

Golden, Allyson; Woodbury, Keith; Carpenter, Joseph; O'Neill, Zheng, Change point and degree day baseline regression models in industrial facilities, Energy & Buildings, Vol. 144, p30-42, 2017 | University of Alabama ITAC


1 Papers / Publications

Zhao, Zilai, Energy performance estimation of cooling towers, M.S. Thesis, The University of Alabama Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2016 | University of Alabama ITAC


1 Papers / Publications

Chua, Ming Han, Experimental investigation of inlet air temperature on input power in an oil-flooded rotary screw air compressor, M. S. Thesis, The University of Alabama Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2015 | University of Alabama ITAC


6 Papers / Publications

Najafi, H., and Woodbury, K. A., Optimization of a Cooling System Based on Peltier Effect for Photovoltaic Cells, Solar Energy (2013), pp. 152-160 | University of Alabama ITAC
CzĂ©l, B., Woodbury, K. A, Woolley, J. W., and GrĂ³f, G., Analysis of Parameter Estimation Possibilities of the Thermal Contact Resistance Using the Laser Flash Method with Two-layer Specimens, International Journal of Thermophysics, Oct 2013, Vol. 34 Issue 10, p1993-2008 | University of Alabama ITAC
Najafi, Hamidreza and Woodbury, K. A., Modeling and Analysis of Combined Photovoltaic- Thermoelectric Power Generation System, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 135, 031013 (2013) | University of Alabama ITAC
Preston, D. J., and Woodbury, K. A., Cost-Benefit Analysis of Retrofit of Industrial High Intensity Discharge Lighting with Energy-Saving Alternatives, Energy Efficiency, vol. 6 issue 2 May 2013, p. 255 – 269 | University of Alabama ITAC
Najafi, H., Woodbury, K. A., Keltner, N. R., and Beck, J. V., Real-time measurement of Heat Flux by Directional Flame Thermometers using Filter Form IHCP Method, 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov 10-14, 2013. | University of Alabama ITAC
Barringer, Frank Leonard, Industrial energy systems and assessment opportunities, M. S. Thesis, The University of Alabama Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2013 | University of Alabama ITAC


2 Papers / Publications

Najafi, Hamidreza and Woodbury, K. A., Performance Analysis of Photovoltaic Panels in Alabama Area Using Tracking, Concentration and Cooling, ASME 2012 Energy Sustainability Conference, San Diego, USA, 41091 | University of Alabama ITAC
Moynihan, G.P. and Triantifilu, D., Energy Savings for a Manufacturing Facility Using Building Simulation Modeling, Engineering Management Journal, 24:73-84, 2012 | University of Alabama ITAC


1 Papers / Publications

Fonseca, D.J., Bisen, K., Midkiff, C.K. and Moynihan, G.P., An Expert System for Lighting Energy Management in Public School Facilities, Expert Systems 23: 194-211, 2006 | University of Alabama ITAC

Contact Center

Center Director Joseph Carpenter
Phone # 1 (205) 348-2615
Fax # 1 (205) 348-6419
Mailing Address 277 Hardaway Hall
401 Seventh Avenue/Box 870276
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Assistant Director Forooza Samadi
Assistant Director Keith A. Woodbury
Assistant Director Sean Amini

University of Alabama has trained 150 students

The following students participated in ITAC assessments with University of Alabama since 2007.
The 66 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
Aaron Cossey
Aaron Henry
Adam Roget
Addison Rush
Alan Hewitt
Alec Brierty
Alex Witkowski
Alexis Opperman
Allie Barnes
Allie Cemalovic
Allyson Golden
André Farnet Jr.
Andrew Helfenstein
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Seay
Andy Cloyd
Anna Turner
Ashley Randolph
Austin Lynch
Autumn D Minyard
Ben Poirier
Blair Clinton
Braeden Duwa
Brandon Black
Brandon Russell
Brett Pennington
Bryson Rogers
Byron Randall
Carl Breidenich
Charles Wilson
Chase Wilkerson
Chris Odom
Christian Austin
Colby McNorton
Cory Thomas
Crystal Elworth
Dan Dannelley
Dan Mitchell
Dan Preston
Daniel Hunkler
Daniel Lauer
David A Bishop
David Leech
David Owen
David Reeves
Dimos Trianafillu
Drew McAdory
Drew Tucker
Edward Bogdanowicz
Elizabeth Gabberty
Ford Etheridge
Forooza Samadi
Grace Foltz
Hamid Najafi
Hunter Haldimann
Jake Davis
Jamarius Keith
James ODwyer
Jared Stokes
Jenna Cook
Jennifer Kubisch
Jimmy Clockey
John Lindley
Jordan Bagwell
Joseph Carpenter
Joseph Chappell
Josh Kavanaugh
Josh Losole
Josh McCoskey
Julie M Warchol
Justin Hill
Katelyn Heglas
Kellis Kincaid
Kelsey Dunn
Kyle Zimmerman
Kyran Smithson
Laramie Cook
Laura Haynes Holifield
Lauren Carter
Lee McNorton
Lindsey Horton
Lindsey Martin
Logan Newcomb
Luke Kreutzer
Marc Sano
Mariah Louderback
Mark Dano
Mark Mueller
Mary Kendrick
Matt Oglesby
Matthew Heubach
Matthew Lewis
Meredith Osborne
Ming Han Chua
Monical Tubbs
Nathan Amos
Nicholas Larsen
Nicholas Palya
Nick Reed
Nicole Angel