Student Research Award Winner: 2012, 2019, 2023
The San Diego State University Industrial Assessment Center (SD-ITAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.
661 | Assessments |
5,170 | Recommendations |
7.59 | Tbtu Energy Saving* |
$134.17 | million Cost Savings* |
159 | Students Trained |
*Recommended Savings
Energy Engineering related programs, degrees, etc:

Recent Case Studies
Related Papers & Publications
Zevenhoven R., Beyene A., Exergy of Nano-Particulate Materials, International Journal of Thermodynamics, 2014
Zaviani D., Venturini M., Beyene A., Comparison of a single screw and scroll expander under part-load conditions for low-grade heat recovery ORC systems, ICAE2014, Taiwan, 2014
Firat C., Beyene A, Comparison of direct and indirect PV power output using filters, lens, and fiber transport, Energy, The International Journal, Energy 41 (2012) 271-277, 2014
Assessment - Case Studies
Papers & Publications
3 Papers / Publications
Zevenhoven R., Beyene A., Exergy of Nano-Particulate Materials, International Journal of Thermodynamics | San Diego State University ITAC
Firat C., Beyene A, Comparison of direct and indirect PV power output using filters, lens, and fiber transport, Energy, The International Journal, Energy 41 (2012) 271-277 | San Diego State University ITAC
Zaviani D., Venturini M., Beyene A., Comparison of a single screw and scroll expander under part-load conditions for low-grade heat recovery ORC systems, ICAE2014, Taiwan | San Diego State University ITAC
11 Papers / Publications
Shahinfard S., Beyene A., Regression comparison of organic working mediums for low grade heat recovery operating on Rankine cycle | San Diego State University ITAC
MacPhee D., Beyene A., Recent Advances in Rotor Design of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines | San Diego State University ITAC
Ziviani D., Beyene A., Venturini M, Design, analysis and optimization of a Micro-CHP ORC system for ultra-low grade heat recovery, J. Energy Resour. Technol. 136(1), 011602 | San Diego State University ITAC
Krawczyk P., Beyene A., MacPhee D., Two-Dimensional Fluid Structure Interaction of a Morphed Wind Turbine Blade, Wiley Online Library ( | doi:10.1002/er.2991 | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A., Zevenhoven R., Thermodynamics of Climate Change, Int. J. of Global Warming, Vol. 5, No. 1 | San Diego State University ITAC
MacPhee D., Beyene A, Fluid-Structure of a Morphing Symmetrical Wind Turbine Blade Subjected to Variable Load, International Journal of Energy Research, Volume 37, Issue 1, pages 69–79 | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A., Sustainability of Underground Water and Energy Extraction, European Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment | San Diego State University ITAC
Stiber B., Beyene A., Towards Integrating Desalination and Wave Energy Conversion Technologies, Proceedings of ECOS, 24rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, China | San Diego State University ITAC
Shahinfard S., Beyene A., Selection of organic working mediums using regression analysis, Proceedings of ECOS, 24rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, China | San Diego State University ITAC
Zevenhoven R., Beyene A., Exergy of nano-particulate materials, Proceedings of ECOS, 24rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, China | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A., Muleta K.M., Water Extraction, Ground Thermal Loss, and Land Subsidence: are Geothermal-plants Sustainable?, Proceedings of ECOS, 24rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, China | San Diego State University ITAC
5 Papers / Publications
Garoma T., Khaled B. M., and Beyene A., Comparative Resource Analyses for Ethanol Produced from Corn and Sugarcane in Different Climatic Zones, Journal of Energy Research, Volume 36, Issue 10, pages 1065-1076 | San Diego State University ITAC
Ziviani D., Beyene A., Venturini M, Application of an Advanced Simulation Model to a Micro-CHP ORC-Based System for Ultra-Low Grade Heat Recovery, Proceedings of IMECE 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, Texas | San Diego State University ITAC
Ziviani D., Beyene A., Venturini M, Development and Validation of an Advanced Simulation Model for ORC-Based System, Proceedings of IMECE 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, Texas | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A., MacPhee D., Zevenhoven R., Anthropogenic Heat and Exergy Balance of the Atmosphere, Proceedings of ECOS, 24rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Italy | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A, Hochman J., the CHP Experience in California: Inputs from the Field, International Energy and Sustainability Conference 2012, Shaping the Future Through Smart Grid Technologies, Farmingdale, NY | San Diego State University ITAC
5 Papers / Publications
Zevenhoven R., Beyene, A., The Impact of Waste Heat Rejection on Global Warming Greenhouse Gas Emissions or of Heat-up of the Surrounding by Power Plants, Energy, Volume 36: 6 | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A., Garoma T., MacPhee D., Integrated Design of Solar and Algae Plant, SET2011, 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Turkey | San Diego State University ITAC
MacPhee D., Beyene A., Assessing the Stall Characteristics of a Flexible Blade: A 2D Computational Study, World Engineers Convention, Italy | San Diego State University ITAC
MacPhee D., Beyene A., A flexible turbine blade for passive blade pitch control in wind turbines, The Power Engineering and Automation Conference, China | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A., MacPhee D., Integrating Wind and Wave Energy Conversion, 2nd International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, China | San Diego State University ITAC
5 Papers / Publications
Puterbaugh M., Beyene, A., Parametric Dependence of a Morphing Wind Turbine Blade on Material Elasticity, Energy 36 (1) (2011), pp. 466–474 | San Diego State University ITAC
Hoogedoorn E., Jacobs G., Beyene A., Aero-elastic Behavior of a Flexible Blade for Wind Turbine Application: A 2D Computational Study, Energy, Volume 35, Issue 2 | San Diego State University ITAC
Krawczyk P., Beyene A., Two-dimensional fluid structure interaction of a morphed wind turbine blade, 23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Serbia | San Diego State University ITAC
Malavolta M, Beyene A., Venturini M., Experimental Implementation of a Micro-Scale ORC-Based CHP System for Domestic Applications, , Proceedings of ASME 2010, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Canada | San Diego State University ITAC
Firat C., Beyene A., Optical filters, concentrators, and fiber transmitters for PV energy conversion, Proceedings of ECOS 2010, 23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Switzerland | San Diego State University ITAC
6 Papers / Publications
MacPhee D., Dincer I., Beyene A., Energy and Exergy Analyses of the Charging Process in Encapsulated Ice Thermal Energy Storage systems | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A., Peffley J., Constructal Theory, Adaptive Motion and Their Theoretical Application to Low Speed Turbine Design, American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Energy Engineering | San Diego State University ITAC
Talom L. T., Beyene A., Heat Recovery from Automotive Engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 29, 2-3 | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A., Mangalekar D., Part-load performance of twist-coupled flexible turbine blade at low Reynolds number, Proceedings of ECOS 2009, 22nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Brazil | San Diego State University ITAC
Zevenhoven R., Beyene A., Global warming: a result of greenhouse gas emissions or of heat-up of the surroundings by power PLANTS, Proceedings of ECOS 2009, 22nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Brazil | San Diego State University ITAC
Beyene A., Energy Efficiency Opportunities, for the Industrial Sector, IAC Experience, Association of Energy Engineers, West Coast Energy Management Congress, Long Beach, CA | San Diego State University ITAC
Contact Center
Center Director | Dr. Asfaw Beyene | | |
Phone # | 1 (619) 594-7143 |
Fax # | 1 (619) 594-3599 |
Mailing Address |
5500 Campanile Dr. San Diego, CA 92182 |
Assistant Director | Dr. Joaquin Camacho |
San Diego State University has trained 159 students
The following students participated in ITAC assessments with San Diego State University since
2003, when student name tracking began.
The 47 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
The 47 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
Aaron Armour |
Abdullah Alani |
Abi Daniel |
Adam C Bolduc |
Akasha Kaur Khalsa |
Alberto Ricciulli |
Alex Davila |
Allen Ugalde |
Aman Khippal |
Amanda willis |
Amandeep Singh |
Amanuel Matias |
Amber Ritchey |
Amol Mehta |
Amrutesh Vyas |
Anderson Michael |
Andrea Danner |
Andrew Bache |
Andrew Benedict-Philipp |
Andrey Elgin |
Annika Moman |
Anthony Sclafani |
Ara |
Aron Daria |
Atchana Srikanthan |
Ayman Battikhi |
Ben Sadoff |
Biruck Halefom |
Brandon Winsatt |
Brandon Zozula |
Brayden Butler |
Brian Stiber |
Bryce Alan Horton |
Calab schutty |
Calum Thompson |
Carlos Valdez |
Carlos-Jose Andallo |
Cesar Ocampo |
Charles Morales |
Chase Duncan |
Chaz Bruckman |
Chisom Nnoka |
Chris Goulet |
Chris Olmsted |
Clement Hoang Luu |
Cormac Gaynor |
Crosby Johnson |
Cyrus Ashtari |
Dana Purviance |
Daniel Traugott |
Daniel Verga |
Daniela Cantor |
Daniela Ramirez |
David MacPhee |
David Mcphee |
David Richards |
Denver Schutz |
Donovan Orozco |
Dylan Zaldivar |
Edgar Diaz |
Eduardo Vera |
Edwin Orduño |
Emiliano Mondragon Flores |
Enes Basbug |
Ericson Navarro |
Erik Ramirez |
Erin Moore |
Fadi Bejjani |
Fatih Buyuksonmez |
Felipe Batista |
Frankie Gotte |
Freddy Ghosn |
Garrett Yee |
Helena Rodriguez |
Hoang Do |
Ibrahim Bukhari |
Igor Krasheninikov |
Ilan Perfecto |
Iliana Douraghi |
Ilias Ybarra |
Jack Lucas |
Jacob Bishop |
Jacob Martinez |
Jaedan Ford |
Jason Knight |
Javier Morales |
Jeremy Brunnenmeyer |
Jerico Lantacon |
Jhon Woolsey |
Joe Stephens |
John Wolsley |
Jonathan Butbul |
Jorge Balvaneda |
Joseph Chu |
Joseph Morales |
Justine Gamba |
Karajo Kafka |
Kaylin Sabado |
Ken Anderson |
Kenny Liljestrom |