ITAC Center of the Year: 2010
Student Research Award Winner: 2012, 2013, 2014
The University of Michigan Industrial Assessment Center (UM-ITAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.
499 | Assessments |
3,094 | Recommendations |
5.89 | Tbtu Energy Saving* |
$71.26 | million Cost Savings* |
86 | Students Trained |
*Recommended Savings

Recent Case Studies
Related Papers & Publications
H. Baum and A. Atreya, Modeling Flameless Combustion in an Intensely Radiating Environment - Radiative Flameless Combustion in a Planar Momentum Jet, 2015
Arvind Atreya, Howard R. Baum, A Study of Radiative Flameless Combustion in a Furnace, Combustion and Flame, 2014
A. Atreya, Effect of Shape and Size on the Heat and Mass Transfer Processes During Pyrolysis of Small Wood Particles, 2014
Assessment - Case Studies
Papers & Publications
1 Papers / Publications
H. Baum and A. Atreya, Modeling Flameless Combustion in an Intensely Radiating Environment - Radiative Flameless Combustion in a Planar Momentum Jet | University of Michigan ITAC
4 Papers / Publications
Arvind Atreya, Howard R. Baum, A Study of Radiative Flameless Combustion in a Furnace, Combustion and Flame | University of Michigan ITAC
A. Atreya, Effect of Shape and Size on the Heat and Mass Transfer Processes During Pyrolysis of Small Wood Particles | University of Michigan ITAC
A. Atreya, A Model for Combustion of Firebrands of Various Shapes | University of Michigan ITAC
P. D. Teini, D. A. Karwat, and A. Atreya, Molecular realignment during soot particle maturation, Combustion and Flame | University of Michigan ITAC
1 Papers / Publications
Xinyu Ming, Dan S. Borgnakke, Marco A. Campos, Pawel Olszewski,Arvind Atreya, Claus Borgnakke, Possibility of Combustion Furnace Operation with Oxygen-Enriched Gas from Nitrogen Generator | University of Michigan ITAC
2 Papers / Publications
I. Lee and A. Atreya, A study of the entrainment and mixing in confined turbulent jets used for industrial combustion | University of Michigan ITAC
Insu Lee and A. Atreya, A study of the entrainment and mixing in confined turbulent jets used for industrial combustion, Central States Combustion Institute Meeting | University of Michigan ITAC
1 Papers / Publications
P. D. Teini, D. A. Karwat, and A. Atreya, The effect of CO2 and H2O on the formation of soot particles in the homogeneous environment of a rapid compression facility, Combust. Flame | University of Michigan ITAC
Last Available Contact Information
Center Director | Arvind Atreya | | |
Phone # | 1 (734) 223-1890 |
Fax # | 1 (734) 647-3170 |
Mailing Address |
2046 G.G.Brown 2350 Hayward Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 |
Assistant Director | Claus Borgnakke |
Staff | Kumar Aanjaneya |
Staff | Weiyu Cao |
Staff | Yawei Chen |
University of Michigan has trained 86 students
The following students participated in ITAC assessments with University of Michigan since
2003, when student name tracking began.
The 38 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
The 38 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
Ahmed Elgammal |
Akash Seth |
Alan Yee |
Aldona Kluczek |
Anuj Shah |
Arun Nagarajan |
Avinash Bommakanti |
Bart Bradford |
Bella (Xinyu) Ming |
Bella Ming |
Benjamin Dussault |
Brad Zigler |
Brandon Kerins |
Brian Buck |
Brian LaFrence |
Chenjun Yang |
Dan Borgnakke |
Danielle Kyser |
Elizabeth Grobbel |
Elizabeth Tappan |
Eric Schlichting |
Eugene Bong |
Hayden Youngs |
Ian Rios Sialer |
Jacek Szymczyk |
Jeffrey Spearin |
Jeremy Solomon |
John Christensen |
John Layton |
Jonathan Urbanek |
Joshua Padeti |
Kai Lan |
Karl Stimmel |
Kate Grimberg |
Kazuki Shiowaza |
Kelvin Halim |
Kevin Hu |
Kumar Aanjaneya |
Kyle Rademacher |
Lindsay Purvis |
Louis Goedker |
Manish Gupta |
Marc Siciliano |
Marco Antonio Campos |
Marie Wolbert |
Mark Donnelly |
Mark Gaustad |
Martin Austin |
Mathew Kidd, |
Matt Eder |
Mike Hong |
Minji Namkoong |
Mishaan Mehta |
Nicholas Montes |
Norhal El Halwagy |
Patrick Kostun |
Paul Teini |
Philip Rockenbach |
Punjabi, Alisha |
Ramit Jain |
Robert Lawson |
Sean Berhan |
Seungjun Shin |
Shangchao Lin |
Shreya Agarwal |
Shubham Khadria |
Sriram Yarlagadda |
Stephen Alexander Ratkowiak |
Steve Walton |
Steven Kiyabu |
Steven Moore |
Sung-Joon Hwang |
Tom Van Wingen |
Veronica Chin |
Wee Hong Wong |
Wei Jin Eugene Bong |
Weiyu Cao |
Won Chan Park |
Xinyu Ming |
Xunlei Li |
Yalim Yildirim |
Yawei Chen |
Yuhao Pan |
Yundi Lin |
Yung Leong Lee |
Zachary Hwang |