ITAC Center of the Year: 2003, 2015
Student Research Award Winner: 2012, 2014, 2022, 2023
The University of Dayton Industrial Assessment Center (UD-ITAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.
1,090 | Assessments |
7,978 | Recommendations |
8.26 | Tbtu Energy Saving* |
$155.71 | million Cost Savings* |
107 | Students Trained |
*Recommended Savings
Energy Engineering related programs, degrees, etc:

Related Papers & Publications
Phillip Shook and Jun-Ki Choi,, Broader impacts of implementing industrial energy efficient lighting assessment recommendation, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 68. Springer, 2022
Sean Kapp, Jun-Ki Choi, Taehoon Hong, Predicting industrial building energy consumption with statistical and machine-learning models informed by physical system parameters, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022
Eva McLaughlin, Jun-Ki Choi, Utilizing machine learning models to estimate energy savings from an industrial energy system, Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 2022
Noteworthy Feedback
"Please accept our thanks for the high quality and comprehensive Energy Assessment performed for our company by the University of Dayton Industrial Assessment... more"
- Source: Allen Francis, President, Production Paint Finishers, 2016-01-11
"Thank you again for your time and attention to our manufacturing plant. The engineers are reading, everyone is discussing your report, and you have helped us... more"
- Source: Ann Dougherty, General Manager of Sustainability, Roppe Holding Company, 2016-01-19
"Thank you and your team for the work in compiling this report, it is very useful and our intent will be to implement as much as possible. We will meet as a... more"
- Source: 2015-11-25
Center Related News

Mark Johnson, Director of the Advanced Manufacturing Office of the US Department of Energy, presents the University of Dayton ITAC with the 2015 Center of the Year award.
September 15, 2015
University of Dayton ITAC awarded 2015 ITAC Center of the Year
The U.S. Department of Energy awarded the University of Dayton's Industrial Assessment Center the 2015 Center of the Year Award. It's the second time the center has won the award (2003).
Since 1981, the University of Dayton's center, using teams of students and faculty, has performed more than 900 assessments, helping manufacturers reduce their energy use by about 7 percent. In a typical year, the center saves companies the equivalent electricity use of 1,300 houses and the equivalent natural gas use of 280 houses.
Assessment - Case Studies
Papers & Publications
9 Papers / Publications
Sean Kapp, Jun-Ki Choi, Taehoon Hong, Predicting industrial building energy consumption with statistical and machine-learning models informed by physical system parameters, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews | University of Dayton ITAC
Eva McLaughlin, Jun-Ki Choi, Utilizing machine learning models to estimate energy savings from an industrial energy system, Resources, Environment and Sustainability | University of Dayton ITAC
Habeeb Alasadi, Jun-Ki Choi, Rydge B. Mulford, Influence of Photovoltaic Shading on Rooftop Heat Transfer, Building Energy Loads, and Photovoltaic Power Output, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering | University of Dayton ITAC
Phillip Shook, Jun-Ki Choi, Kelly Kissock, Analyzing the Multiscale Impacts of Implementing Energy-Efficient HVAC Improvements Through Energy Audits and Economic Input–Output Analysis, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology | University of Dayton ITAC
Diqian Ren, Jun-Ki Choi, Kellie Schneider, A multicriteria decision-making method for additive manufacturing process selection, Rapid Prototyping Journal | University of Dayton ITAC
J. Jeoung, S. Jung, T. Hong, J.-K. Choi, Blockchain-based IoT system for personalized indoor temperature control, Automation in Construction | University of Dayton ITAC
Phillip Shook, Jun-Ki Choi, Predicting the Impact of Utility Lighting Rebate Programs on Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency: A Machine Learning Approach, Environments | University of Dayton ITAC
Mohamed M Kaheal, Andrew Chiasson, Mishal Alsehli, Component-based, dynamic simulation of a novel once through multistage flash (MSF-OT) solar thermal desalination plant, Desalination | University of Dayton ITAC
Phillip Shook and Jun-Ki Choi,, Broader impacts of implementing industrial energy efficient lighting assessment recommendation, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 68. Springer | University of Dayton ITAC
6 Papers / Publications
Adel Naji, Badr Al Tarhuni, Jun-Ki Choi, Salahaldin Alshatshati, Seraj Ajena, Toward Cost-Effective Residential Energy Reduction and Community Impacts: A Data-Based Machine Learning Approach, Energy and AI, 100068 | University of Dayton ITAC
Chris Denzinger, Gretchen Berkemeier, Oliver Winter, Matthew Worsham, Claudia Labrador, Katie Willard, Amnah Altaher, Jack Schuleter, Amy Ciric, Jun-Ki Choi, Toward sustainable refrigeration systems: Life cycle assessment of a bench-scale solar-thermal adsorption refrigerator, International Journal of Refrigeration, 121, pg105-113 | University of Dayton ITAC
Errigo, R., Choi, J.-K., and Kissock, K., Techno-economic-environmental impacts of industrial energy assessment: Sustainable industrial motor systems of small and medium-sized enterprises, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments | University of Dayton ITAC
Naji, A., Altarhuni, B., Choi, J.-K., Alshatshati, S., Ajena, Toward Cost-Effective Residential Energy Reduction and Community Impacts: A Data-Based Machine Learning Approach, Energy and AI | University of Dayton ITAC
McLaughlin, E., Choi, J.-K., and Kissock, K., Techno-economic impact assessments of energy efficiency improvement in the industrial combustion systems, ransaction of the ASME, Journal of Energy Resources Technology | University of Dayton ITAC
Kapp, S., Choi, J.-K., and Kissock, K, Toward energy-efficient industrial thermal systems for regional manufacturing facilities, Energy Reports | University of Dayton ITAC
5 Papers / Publications
Rodwan Elhashmi, Kevin P Hallinan, Andrew D Chiasson, Low-energy opportunity for multi-family residences: A review and simulation-based study of a solar borehole thermal energy storage system, Energy, 204, 117870 | University of Dayton ITAC
Abdullah M Maghfuri, Andrew Chiasson, Design and Simulation of a Solar Photovoltaic System for a Sports Stadium, 2020 9th International Conference on Power Science and Engineering (ICPSE), IEEE, 82-86 | University of Dayton ITAC
A Alkhwildi, R Elhashmi, A Chiasson, Parametric modeling and simulation of Low temperature energy storage for cold-climate multi-family residences using a geothermal heat pump system with integrated phase change material storage tank, Geothermics, 86, 101864 | University of Dayton ITAC
MM Plakunov, CC Yavuzturk, AD Chiasson, On the effects of temperature-dependent diffusion of carbon dioxide from underground coal fires, Geothermics, 85,101768 | University of Dayton ITAC
Ryan P Shea, Matthew O Worsham, Andrew D Chiasson, J Kelly Kissock, Benjamin J McCall, A lifecycle cost analysis of transitioning to a fully-electrified, renewably powered, and carbon-neutral campus at the University of Dayton, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 37, 100576 | University of Dayton ITAC
6 Papers / Publications
Choi, J.-K, Thangamani, D., and Kissock, K., A systematic methodology for improving resource efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprise, Resource, Conservation, and Recycling, 147, pp.19-27 | University of Dayton ITAC
Alsehli, M., Alzahrani, M., and Choi, J.-K.,, A novel design for solar integrated multi-effect distillation driven by sensible heat and alternate storage tanks, Desalination, 468 (15) | University of Dayton ITAC
Ahmad Aljabr, Andrew Chiasson, Abinesh Selvacanabady, Ali Sulaiman Alsagri, A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Materials Intermixed With Grout in Vertical Borehole Heat Exchangers, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 59438 | University of Dayton ITAC
John R Kastrinos, Andrew Chiasson, Paul Ormond, Estimating groundwater heat exchange in a standing-column well by injection of a bromide tracer, Geothermics, 82, pp121-127 | University of Dayton ITAC
Ali Sulaiman Alsagri, Andrew Chiasson, Mohamed Gadalla, Viability assessment of a concentrated solar power tower with a supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle power plant, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 141 (5) | University of Dayton ITAC
Andrew Chiasson, J Kelly Kissock, Abinesh Selvacanabady, Lean Energy Buildings: Applications of Machine Learning, Optimal Central Chilled-Water Systems, and Hybrid Solar-Ground Source Heat Pump Systems, Advances in Sustainable Energy, 59-92 | University of Dayton ITAC
4 Papers / Publications
Choi, J.-K, Eom, J., and McClory E, Economic and environmental impacts of local utility-delivered industrial energy – efficiency rebate programs, Energy Policy, 123, pp.289-298 | University of Dayton ITAC
Kang, H., Lee, M, Hong, T., and Choi, J.-K, Determining the optimal occupancy density for reducing the energy consumption of public office buildings: A statistical approach, Building and Environment, 127, pp. 173-186 | University of Dayton ITAC
Koo, C., Hong, T., Oh, J., and Choi, J.-K, Improving the prediction performance of the finite element model for estimating the technical performance of the distributed generation of solar power system in a building façade, Applied Energy, 215, pp 41-53 | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J- K., Schuessler, R., Ising, M., Kelley, D., and Kissock, K.,, A Pathway Towards Sustainable Manufacturing for Mid-size Manufacturers, Procedia of CIRP, Volume 69, pp 230-235 | University of Dayton ITAC
2 Papers / Publications
Rastogi, A., Choi, J.-K., Hong, T., and Lee, M, Impact of different LEED versions for green building certification and energy efficiency rating system: a multifamily midrise case study, Applied Energy, 205, pp. 732-740 | University of Dayton ITAC
Alsehli, M., Choi, J.-K., and Aljuhan, M., A novel design for a solar powered multistage flash desalination, Solar Energy, 153, pp. 348-359 | University of Dayton ITAC
4 Papers / Publications
Choi, J.-K., Bakshi, B.R., Hubacek, K., and Nader, J.,, A sequential input–output framework to analyze the economic and environmental implications of energy policies: Gas taxes and fuel subsidies, Applied Energy, 184, pp. 830-839 | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J.-K., Kelley, D., Murphy, S., and Thangamani, D., Economic and Environmental Perspectives of End-of-Life Ship Management, Resource, Conservation, and Recycling, 107, pp. 82-91 | University of Dayton ITAC
Rahdar, M.H., Heydari, M., Ataei, A., and Choi, J.-K.,, Modeling and optimization of R-717 and R-134a ice thermal energy storage air conditioning systems using NSGA-II and MOPSO algorithms, Applied Thermal Engineering. 96, pp.217-227 | University of Dayton ITAC
Schuessler, R., Ising, M., Kelly, D., Sturtevant, K., Valigosky, Z., Choi, J.-K., and Kissock, K.,, Sustainable Manufacturing for Mid-sized Manufacturers, International Energy Technology Conference, New Orleans, May | University of Dayton ITAC
7 Papers / Publications
Murphy, S. and Kissock, K., Simulating Energy Efficient Control of Multiple-Compressor Compressed Air Systems, Industrial Energy Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J., Thangamani, D., and Kissock, K., Enhancing Industrial Sustainability by Improving Resource Efficiency, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, Buffalo NY | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J., Hallinan, K., Kissock, K, and Brecha, R., Economic And Environmental Impacts Of Energy Efficiency Investment On Local Manufacturers, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, MA, August 2-5 | University of Dayton ITAC
Ma, Y., Tukur, A., and Kissock, K., Energy Efficient Static Pressure Reset in VAV Systems, ASHRAE Transactions, CH-15-010 | University of Dayton ITAC
Ataei, A., Biglari, M., Nedaei, M., Assareh, E., Choi, J.-K., and Yoo, C, Techno-economic feasibility study of autonomous hybrid wind and solar power systems for rural areas, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 34(5), pp 1521-1527 | University of Dayton ITAC
Thangamani, D., Choi, J.-K. and Kissock, K, Enhancing Industrial Sustainability by Improving Resource Efficiency, 11th Biennial Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry – Proceedings of ACEEE, Niagara Falls, NY, August | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J.-K., Kissock, J.K., Hallinan K., and Brecha, R, Economic and Environmental Impacts of Industrial Energy Efficiency Investment, ASME-IDETC, Boston, MA August | University of Dayton ITAC
4 Papers / Publications
Pohlman, D., Qayyum, A., Parker, S. and Kissock, K., Staging Packaged Air Conditioning Units To Improve Energy Efficiency And Humidity Control By Reducing Cycling Losses, ASHRAE Transactions, SE-14-004 | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J.-K., Morrison, D., Hallinan, K., and Brecha, B, Economic and Environmental Impacts of Community-Based Residential Building Energy Efficiency Investment, Energy, 78, pp 877-886 | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J.-K., and V.M. Fthenakis, Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Recycling Planning: Macro and Micro Perspectives, Journal of Cleaner Production, 66(1), pp. 443-449 | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J.-K. and Kissock, J.K, The Life Cycle Design Perspective of Industrial Energy Assessment, International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) | University of Dayton ITAC
5 Papers / Publications
Raffio, T., Abels, B., Zhang, H. and Kissock, K, Integrated Systems Plus Principles Approach and Energy Efficiency Guidebook, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, Niagara Falls, NY, July 23-26 | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J. and Kissock, K, Beyond Industrial Energy Assessments: The Life Cycle Design Perspective, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, Niagara Falls, NY, July 23-26 | University of Dayton ITAC
Kissock, K., Selvacanabady, A., Raghavan, N., Simplified Model For Ground Heat Transfer From Slab-On-Grade Buildings, ASHRAE Transactions, DE-13-041 | University of Dayton ITAC
Nagabhairava,M., Ma, Y. and Kissock, K., Economic Analysis of Solar PV and Batteries for Common Residential Electricity Rate Structures using Green Button Data, ES-FuelCell2013-18248, ASME 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Minneapolis, MN, July 14-19 | University of Dayton ITAC
Winter, B. Louco, L, Kissock, K. Mariadass, P. and Daniels, M., Design And Construction Of A Solar Thermal Refrigeration System For Patna, India, ES-FuelCell2013-18243, ASME 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Minneapolis, MN, July 14-19 | University of Dayton ITAC
4 Papers / Publications
Pohlman, D., Smith, J., Kissock, K., Net-Zero Carbon Manufacturing At Net-Zero Cost, World Renewable Energy Forum, Denver, CO, May 13-17 | University of Dayton ITAC
Hsu, D., O’ Donoughue, P., Heath, G., Choi, J.-K, Kim, H., and Turney, D., Life Cycle GHG Emissions of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Electricity Generation: Systematic Review and Harmonization, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16 (s1), pp122-135 | University of Dayton ITAC
Choi, J.-K, Friley, P., and Alfstad, T.,, The Implication of the Energy Policy to the Dynamic Life Cycle Environmental Impact of an Industrial Product System: Survey and model, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, 16 (7), pp 4744-4752 | University of Dayton ITAC
Kim, H.C., Fthenakis, V., Choi, J.-K, and Turney, D, Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of thin‐film photovoltaic electricity generation, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16 (s1), pp110-121 | University of Dayton ITAC
8 Papers / Publications
Abels, B., Sever, F., Kissock, K. and Ayele, D., Understanding Industrial Energy Use through Lean Energy Analysis, SAE 2011 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 12-14 | University of Dayton ITAC
Lammers, N., Kissock, K., Abels, B. and Sever, F., Measuring Progress with Normalized Energy Intensity, 2011, SAE 2011 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 12-14 | University of Dayton ITAC
Alkadi, N. and Kissock, K., Improving Compressed Air Energy Efficiency in Automotive Plants, SAE 2011 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 12-14 | University of Dayton ITAC
Abels, B. and Kissock, K., Optimizing Compressed Air Storage for Energy Efficiency, SAE 2011 World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 12-14 | University of Dayton ITAC
Hallinan, K. P., Brodrick, P., Northridge, J., Kissock, J. K., Brecha, R. J., Establishing Building Recommissioning Priorities and Potential Energy Savings from Utility Energy Data, ASHRAE Transactions, ML-11-003 | University of Dayton ITAC
Hallinan, K. P., Mitchell, A., Brecha, R. J., Kissock, J. K., Targeting Residential Energy Reduction for City Utilities Using Historical Electrical Utility Data and Readily Available Building Data, ASHRAE Transactions, ML-11-009 | University of Dayton ITAC
Brecha, R. J., Mitchell, A., Hallinan, K. P., Kissock, J. K., Prioritizing Investment in Residential Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - A Case Study for the US Midwest, Energy Policy, 39(5), 2982–2992 | University of Dayton ITAC
Jochum, M., Murugesan, G., Kissock, K, Hallinan, K., Low Exergy Heating and Cooling In Residential Buildings, Proceedings of ASME Energy Sustainability Conference, ESFuelCell2011-54671, Washington, DC, August 7-10 | University of Dayton ITAC
1 Papers / Publications
Ahmad, F., Komp, R., Ahmad, I. and Kissock, K., Photovoltaic Module Assembly As Appropriate Technology In Pakistan, ASME International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Phoenix, AZ, May 17-22 | University of Dayton ITAC
1 Papers / Publications
Wenning, T. and Kissock, K., Methodology For Preliminary Assessment Of Regional Wind Energy Potential, ASME International Solar Energy Conference, Long Beach, CA, June 27-30 | University of Dayton ITAC
1 Papers / Publications
Kissock, K.and Mulqeen, S., Targeting Energy Efficiency Programs Using Advanced Billing Analysis, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA, August 17–22 | University of Dayton ITAC
10 Papers / Publications
Kissock, J.K. and Eger, C., Measuring Industrial Energy Savings, Journal of Applied Energy, Vol. 85, Issue 5, pp. 347-361 | University of Dayton ITAC
Eger, B. and Kissock, K., Understanding Industrial Energy Use through Sliding Regression Analysis, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, White Plains, NY, July 24-27 | University of Dayton ITAC
Raffio, G., Isambert, O., Mertz, G., Schreier, C. and Kissock, K., Targeting Residential Energy Assistance Programs, ASME International Solar Energy Conference, Long Beach, CA, June 27-30 | University of Dayton ITAC
Sever, F., Kissock, K., Brown, D., and Mulqueen, S., Estimating Industrial Building Energy Savings using Inverse Simulation, ASHRAE2011-86073, Las Vegas, NM, Jan 29-Feb 2 | University of Dayton ITAC
Syed, R., Kleinhenz, P. and Kissock, K., Net Energy Costs of Skylights, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, White Plains, NY, July 24-27 | University of Dayton ITAC
Kocoloski, M., McCarty, R., Eger, C., Hallinan, K. and Kissock, K., Industrial Solid-State Energy Harvesting: Mechanisms and Examples, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, White Plains, NY, July 24-27 | University of Dayton ITAC
Carpenter, K. and Kissock, K., Common Excess Air Trends in Industrial Boilers with Single-Point Positioning Control and Strategies to Optimize Efficiency, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, White Plains, NY, July 24-27 | University of Dayton ITAC
Trombley, D. and Kissock, K., Economics of Energy Efficiency in a Carbon Constrained World, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, White Plains, NY, July 24-27 | University of Dayton ITAC
Gilbert, R. and Kissock, K., The Effect Of Thermal Mass On Thermal Transmission Loads, ASME International Solar Energy Conference, Long Beach, CA, June 27-30 | University of Dayton ITAC
Mirza, K. and Kissock, K., An Analytical Solution for Determining Dynamic Thermal Loads through Walls, ASME International Solar Energy Conference, Long Beach, CA, June 27-30 | University of Dayton ITAC
3 Papers / Publications
Kissock, K. and Eger, B., Measuring Industrial Energy Savings, Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, April 3-6 | University of Dayton ITAC
Carpenter, K. and Kissock, K., Energy Efficient Process Heating: Insulation and Thermal Mass, Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, April 3-6 | University of Dayton ITAC
Carpenter, K. and Kissock, K., Energy Efficient Process Heating: Managing Air Flow, Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, April 3-6 | University of Dayton ITAC
5 Papers / Publications
Patil Y., Seryak, J., and Kissock, K., Benchmarking Approaches: An Alternate Method to Determine Best Practice by Examining Plant-Wide Energy Signatures, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, West Point, NY, July 19-22 | University of Dayton ITAC
Seryak, J. and Kissock, K., Lean Energy Analysis: Guiding Energy Reduction Efforts to Theoretical Minimum Energy Use, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, July 19-22 | University of Dayton ITAC
Schmidt, C., Kissock, K., and Eger, C., Improving Performance of Compressed Air Systems Through Calibrated Simulation, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy in Industry, West Point, NY, July 19-22 | University of Dayton ITAC
Gopalakrishnan, V., Brogan, A. Das, R., Kissock, K, Chase, D., Are Your Variable Speed Pumping Applications Delivering The Predicted Savings? Improving Control to Maximize Results, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, Buffalo NY | University of Dayton ITAC
Carpenter, K. and Kissock, K., Quantifying Energy Savings From Improved Boiler Operation, Industrial Energy Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 11-12 | University of Dayton ITAC
4 Papers / Publications
Kissock and Seryak, Understanding Manufacturing Energy Use Through Statistical Analysis, Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX | University of Dayton ITAC
Kissock and Seryak, Lean Energy Analysis: Identifying, Discovering And Tracking Energy Savings Potential, Advanced Energy and Fuel Cell Technologies Conference, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Livonia, MI | University of Dayton ITAC
Kissock, K., A Hybrid Method For Estimating Natural Lighting Potential In Buildings, ASME International Solar Energy Conference, Portland, OR | University of Dayton ITAC
Schmidt and Kissock, Estimating Energy Savings in Compressed Air Systems, Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX | University of Dayton ITAC
1 Papers / Publications
Schmidt and Kissock, Power Characteristics of Industrial Air Compressors, Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX | University of Dayton ITAC
1 Papers / Publications
Kissock, Hallinan and Bader, Inside-out Approach For Identifying Industrial Energy and Waste Reduction Opportunities, Journal of Strategic Planning for Energy and Environment | University of Dayton ITAC
1 Papers / Publications
Phelps, S. and Kissock, J.K., A Feasibility Study of Fuel Cell Cogeneration in Industry, Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX | University of Dayton ITAC
Noteworthy Feedback
"I felt the word "student" was a misnomer for your team. I have a bachelor's and master's degree with lots of experience, but found I was student many times asking them to explain to me. These younger folks may be students in terms of we are all students, always learning, but these folks are TRUE SKILLED PROFESSIONALS. We were lucky to have this week and wherever they land will be lucky to have them as well."
"I felt the word "student" was a misnomer for your team. I have a bachelor's and master's degree with lots of experience, but found I was student many times asking them to explain to me. These younger folks may be students in terms of we are all students, always learning, but these folks are TRUE SKILLED PROFESSIONALS. We were lucky to have this week and wherever they land will be lucky to have them as well."
"I felt the word "student" was a misnomer for your team. I have a bachelor's and master's degree with lots of experience, but found I was student many times asking them to explain to me. These younger folks may be students in terms of we are all students, always learning, but these folks are TRUE SKILLED PROFESSIONALS. We were lucky to have this week and wherever they land will be lucky to have them as well."
"I felt the word "student" was a misnomer for your team. I have a bachelor's and master's degree with lots of experience, but found I was student many times asking them to explain to me. These younger folks may be students in terms of we are all students, always learning, but these folks are TRUE SKILLED PROFESSIONALS. We were lucky to have this week and wherever they land will be lucky to have them as well."
- Source: 2025-02-13
"I would like to thank you and your staff for visiting our facility. Both Terry and I enjoyed the opportunity to work with you in finding energy saving ideas for our facility. We were very impressed with the knowledge and level of details that everyone provided."
"I would like to thank you and your staff for visiting our facility. Both Terry and I enjoyed the opportunity to work with you in finding energy saving ideas for our facility. We were very impressed with the knowledge and level of details that everyone provided."
"I would like to thank you and your staff for visiting our facility. Both Terry and I enjoyed the opportunity to work with you in finding energy saving ideas for our facility. We were very impressed with the knowledge and level of details that everyone provided."
"I would like to thank you and your staff for visiting our facility. Both Terry and I enjoyed the opportunity to work with you in finding energy saving ideas for our facility. We were very impressed with the knowledge and level of details that everyone provided."
- Source: 2025-02-13
"I just wanted to let you know that we installed 29 variable frequency drives on our Paint Line System and took advantage of the DP&L rebate program. The pay back is 7 months. If you remember, we had most valves throttled back on all of our 29 pumps. The valves were closed in most cases on average 70 percent. With recent installation we now have all the valves open and are operating the pump motors from 32 hertz to 45 hertz. Before the VFDs, all motors were running at 60 hertz. Your students were a great help to get us to this point. The original concept was to install a light curtain to shut the pumps on or off if there was no product running thru the system. If you are still in contact with them please share this information with them. I am happy to say that we have implemented just about every improvement idea that came from the assessment."
"I just wanted to let you know that we installed 29 variable frequency drives on our Paint Line System and took advantage of the DP&L rebate program. The pay back is 7 months. If you remember, we had most valves throttled back on all of our 29 pumps. The valves were closed in most cases on average 70 percent. With recent installation we now have all the valves open and are operating the pump motors from 32 hertz to 45 hertz. Before the VFDs, all motors were running at 60 hertz. Your students were a great help to get us to this point. The original concept was to install a light curtain to shut the pumps on or off if there was no product running thru the system. If you are still in contact with them please share this information with them. I am happy to say that we have implemented just about every improvement idea that came from the assessment."
"I just wanted to let you know that we installed 29 variable frequency drives on our Paint Line System and took advantage of the DP&L rebate program. The pay back is 7 months. If you remember, we had most valves throttled back on all of our 29 pumps. The valves were closed in most cases on average 70 percent. With recent installation we now have all the valves open and are operating the pump motors from 32 hertz to 45 hertz. Before the VFDs, all motors were running at 60 hertz. Your students were a great help to get us to this point. The original concept was to install a light curtain to shut the pumps on or off if there was no product running thru the system. If you are still in contact with them please share this information with them. I am happy to say that we have implemented just about every improvement idea that came from the assessment."
"I just wanted to let you know that we installed 29 variable frequency drives on our Paint Line System and took advantage of the DP&L rebate program. The pay back is 7 months. If you remember, we had most valves throttled back on all of our 29 pumps. The valves were closed in most cases on average 70 percent. With recent installation we now have all the valves open and are operating the pump motors from 32 hertz to 45 hertz. Before the VFDs, all motors were running at 60 hertz. Your students were a great help to get us to this point. The original concept was to install a light curtain to shut the pumps on or off if there was no product running thru the system. If you are still in contact with them please share this information with them. I am happy to say that we have implemented just about every improvement idea that came from the assessment."
- Source: 2025-02-13
"I want to thank you again for the day we spent together. I believe your visit will result in additional energy improvements to our plant. I greatly enjoyed the conversations. I was very impressed with the "down-to-earth" approach your group employed in our assessment. We are already starting to investigate some of your proposals."
"I want to thank you again for the day we spent together. I believe your visit will result in additional energy improvements to our plant. I greatly enjoyed the conversations. I was very impressed with the "down-to-earth" approach your group employed in our assessment. We are already starting to investigate some of your proposals."
"I want to thank you again for the day we spent together. I believe your visit will result in additional energy improvements to our plant. I greatly enjoyed the conversations. I was very impressed with the "down-to-earth" approach your group employed in our assessment. We are already starting to investigate some of your proposals."
"I want to thank you again for the day we spent together. I believe your visit will result in additional energy improvements to our plant. I greatly enjoyed the conversations. I was very impressed with the "down-to-earth" approach your group employed in our assessment. We are already starting to investigate some of your proposals."
- Source: 2025-02-13
"Firstly, congratulations in an excellent report. Good summaries and all recommendations appear realistic and not some theoretical impractical ideas!"
- Source: 2025-02-13
"Thank you again for your time and attention to our manufacturing plant. The engineers are reading, everyone is discussing your report, and you have helped us work together."
"Thank you again for your time and attention to our manufacturing plant. The engineers are reading, everyone is discussing your report, and you have helped us work together."
"Thank you again for your time and attention to our manufacturing plant. The engineers are reading, everyone is discussing your report, and you have helped us work together."
"Thank you again for your time and attention to our manufacturing plant. The engineers are reading, everyone is discussing your report, and you have helped us work together."
- Source: Ann Dougherty, General Manager of Sustainability, Roppe Holding Company, 2016-01-19
"Please accept our thanks for the high quality and comprehensive Energy Assessment performed for our company by the University of Dayton Industrial Assessment Center. I would especially like to recognize your department’s program and its students. . . . They should be commended for preparing one of the more thorough, professional, well-written and substantiated engineering reports that has been prepared for our company."
"Please accept our thanks for the high quality and comprehensive Energy Assessment performed for our company by the University of Dayton Industrial Assessment Center. I would especially like to recognize your department’s program and its students. . . . They should be commended for preparing one of the more thorough, professional, well-written and substantiated engineering reports that has been prepared for our company."
"Please accept our thanks for the high quality and comprehensive Energy Assessment performed for our company by the University of Dayton Industrial Assessment Center. I would especially like to recognize your department’s program and its students. . . . They should be commended for preparing one of the more thorough, professional, well-written and substantiated engineering reports that has been prepared for our company."
"Please accept our thanks for the high quality and comprehensive Energy Assessment performed for our company by the University of Dayton Industrial Assessment Center. I would especially like to recognize your department’s program and its students. . . . They should be commended for preparing one of the more thorough, professional, well-written and substantiated engineering reports that has been prepared for our company."
- Source: Allen Francis, President, Production Paint Finishers, 2016-01-11
"Thank you and your team for the work in compiling this report, it is very useful and our intent will be to implement as much as possible. We will meet as a team after the holidays and assign a project leader."
"Thank you and your team for the work in compiling this report, it is very useful and our intent will be to implement as much as possible. We will meet as a team after the holidays and assign a project leader."
"Thank you and your team for the work in compiling this report, it is very useful and our intent will be to implement as much as possible. We will meet as a team after the holidays and assign a project leader."
"Thank you and your team for the work in compiling this report, it is very useful and our intent will be to implement as much as possible. We will meet as a team after the holidays and assign a project leader."
- Source: 2015-11-25
"Thank you for your time, and I look forward to reading and hopefully implementing all of your recommendations."
- Source: Scott Estep, Corporate Senior EHS, Sanoh-America, 2015-07-20
Contact Center
Center Director | Dr. Jun-Ki Choi | | |
Phone # | 1 (937) 229-3343 |
Fax # | 1 (937) 229-4766 |
Mailing Address |
Attn: Dr. Jun-Ki Choi 300 College Park - KL 302A Dayton, OH 45469 |
Assistant Director | Dr. Andrew Chiasson |
Assistant Director | Dr. Robert B. Gilbert |
University of Dayton has trained 107 students
The following students participated in ITAC assessments with University of Dayton since
2003, when student name tracking began.
The 56 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
The 56 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
Abhishek Bathulab |
Abinesh Selvacanabady |
Akshay Narkar |
Alec Donahue |
Alexandra Brogan |
Amanda Alvarado |
Andrea Mott |
Anup Paudel |
Arun Kumar Balaji |
Bill Eger |
Brian Abels |
Canisius Rutikanga |
Charlie Schreier |
Chris Schmidt |
Chunxu Wang |
Colin Joern |
Dakota Waller |
Daniel Kelley |
Daniel Trombley |
Daniel Ulbricht |
David Albrecht |
David Manthey |
Dawit Ayele |
Dillip Thangamani |
Diqian Ren |
Dustin Pohlman |
Eva McLaughlin |
Faizan Ahmad |
Farshad Norouzi |
Franc Sever |
Garret Cowdery |
Gavin McHale |
George Mertz |
Greg Raffio |
Gurpreet Rai |
Habeeb Alasadi |
Hang Zhang |
Hayden Beck |
Ilia Slesarenko |
Ismail Omer |
Jeremy Smith |
Jesse Monn |
Jessica Clouse |
Jessica Minor |
Jiawei Bu |
Jim Penrod |
Johm Seryak |
John Seryak |
Julian Frias |
Justin Orofino |
Kathleen Sturtevant |
Kayla Berry |
Kazim Mirza |
Kevin Carpenter |
Kevin Fisher |
Kevin Madigan |
Leah Christine Curtit |
Lindsey Tippin |
Louis De Gruy |
Majdi Amin |
Mark Ewalt |
Mark Gariety |
Matthew Lennon |
Megan McNelly |
Michael Ising |
Michael Jochum |
Mithun Nagabhairava |
Mohammed Abdul Qayyum |
Muqing Niu |
Mussad Alzahrani |
Nathan Gagnon |
Nathan Lammers |
Olivia Wiesemann |
Ovelio Isambert |
Pat Aderhold |
Patrick Fitzgerald |
Peter Kleinhenz |
Phillip Clayton |
Phillip Shook |
Raju Pusapativ |
Ritesh Nayyar |
Rizwan Syed |
Rosie Errigo |
Ryan Schuessler |
Ryan Shea |
Scott Eardley |
Sean Jacobs |
Sean Kapp |
Sean Murphy |
Seth Parker |
Shahyan Ahmad |
Shuihua Hu |
Sobit Sapkota |
Stephanie Ritchey |
Stephen Berlage |
Steve Mulqueen |
Steve Ray |
Sydney Baker |
Thomas Wenning |
Timothy Raffio |