The University of Massachusetts Industrial Assessment Center (MA-ITAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.
886 | Assessments |
5,692 | Recommendations |
5.85 | Tbtu Energy Saving* |
$89.85 | million Cost Savings* |
68 | Students Trained |
*Recommended Savings

Recent Case Studies
Related Papers & Publications
H. Gopalakrishnan and D. Kosanovic, Economic optimization of combined cycle district heating systems, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 7, 2014 91-100, 2014
S. Suresh and D. Kosanovic, Energy and Exergy Analysis of a 16-MW Combined Cycle District Heating System with Performance Improvements, International Journal of Exergy, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2013, 2013
G. Gaudani, A. Quintal and D. Kosanovic, Development of the Chilled Water System Analysis Tool for Assessing Energy Conservation Opportunities, ASME 2013 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Minneapolis, MN, July 14-19, 2013, 2013
Noteworthy Feedback
"The communication and thoroughness from the UMass team was outstanding. We truly appreciate the effort of the students and Dr. Kosanovic in identifying real... more"
- Source: VP Sourcing, 2017-12-29
Assessment - Case Studies
Papers & Publications
1 Papers / Publications
H. Gopalakrishnan and D. Kosanovic, Economic optimization of combined cycle district heating systems, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 7, 2014 91-100 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
5 Papers / Publications
S. Suresh and D. Kosanovic, Energy and Exergy Analysis of a 16-MW Combined Cycle District Heating System with Performance Improvements, International Journal of Exergy, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2013 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
G. Gaudani, A. Quintal and D. Kosanovic, Development of the Chilled Water System Analysis Tool for Assessing Energy Conservation Opportunities, ASME 2013 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Minneapolis, MN, July 14-19, 2013 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
A. Quintal, G. Gaudani and D. Kosanovic, Chilled Water System Analysis Tool (CWSAT) and Application to Manufacturing Plants, 2013 SAE World Congress and Exhibition, Detroit, MI, April 16-18, 2013 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
J. Marmaras, J. Burbank and D. Kosanovic, Ground Source Heat Pump Operation and Optimal Entering Liquid Temperature, 2013 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Dallas, Texas, January 26-30, 2013 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
J. Burbank, J. Marmaras and D. Kosanovic, Dedicated Outside Air System (DOAS) - Design vs. Actual Operation (Are Aggressive Energy Targets Achievable?), 2013 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Dallas, Texas, January 26-30, 2013 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
4 Papers / Publications
H. Gopalakrishnan and D. Kosanovic, Real-Time Thermodynamic Performance Monitoring and Optimum Thermo-economic Operation of Power Plants, ASME Power 2011 Conference, Power Technical Publication: POWER2011-55018, Denver, CO, July 12-14, 2011 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
H. Gopalakrishnan, S. Suresh, and D. Kosanovic, Energy and Exergy Analysis of a University Power Plant, 2011 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, Niagara Falls, NY, 40725 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
S. Suresh, H. Gopalakrishnan and D. Kosanovic, Thermodynamic Analysis of Combined Cycle District Heating System, 33rd National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA, 40664 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
T. Kanitkar and D. Kosanovic, Evaluation of the Contribution of On-Site Generation to Grid and Customer Reliability, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing. June 2011 4:468-476, 40695 | University of Massachusetts ITAC
Noteworthy Feedback
"The communication and thoroughness from the UMass team was outstanding. We truly appreciate the effort of the students and Dr. Kosanovic in identifying real savings opportunities. We appreciate the assessment as it helps drive energy efficiency and improved productivity with quantitative data.
"The communication and thoroughness from the UMass team was outstanding. We truly appreciate the effort of the students and Dr. Kosanovic in identifying real savings opportunities. We appreciate the assessment as it helps drive energy efficiency and improved productivity with quantitative data.
"The communication and thoroughness from the UMass team was outstanding. We truly appreciate the effort of the students and Dr. Kosanovic in identifying real savings opportunities. We appreciate the assessment as it helps drive energy efficiency and improved productivity with quantitative data.
"The communication and thoroughness from the UMass team was outstanding. We truly appreciate the effort of the students and Dr. Kosanovic in identifying real savings opportunities. We appreciate the assessment as it helps drive energy efficiency and improved productivity with quantitative data.
- Source: VP Sourcing, 2017-12-29
Last Available Contact Information
Center Director | Dr. Beka Kosanovic | | |
Phone # | 1 (413) 545-4216 |
Fax # | 1 (413) 545-1027 |
Mailing Address |
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 160 Governors Drive Amherst, MA 01003 |
Assistant Director | Dr. Kedar Prashant Shete |
Other | Lauren Mattison |
University of Massachusetts has trained 68 students
The following students participated in ITAC assessments with University of Massachusetts since
2003, when student name tracking began.
The 31 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
The 31 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded ITAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
Abhishek Patil |
Ahmad Krayem |
Akhil Soman |
Alex Quintal |
Alex VonBraun |
Alexander Carson |
Aman Yadav |
Andrew Villanueva |
Arya Gadage |
Benjamin McDaniel |
Bradley Newell |
Brendan O’Connor |
Casey Brown |
Cengizhan Cengiz |
Chris Beebe |
Conor Gates |
David Boucher |
Dylan Chase |
Eamon Williamson |
Eric Klein |
Eric Wagner |
Erich Ryan |
Ermin Behremovic |
Ghanshyam Gaudani |
Hariharan Gopalakrishnan |
Igor Popstefanija |
Jaren Lutenegger |
Jayden Nambu |
Jesus Tejeda |
Joe Hatem Saba |
Jonathan Labaki |
Jorge Soares |
Justice Chimezie Madu |
Justin Evans |
Justin Finn |
Justin Marmaras |
Justin Rife |
Kashyap C |
Kaustubh Rao |
Kedar Prashant Shete |
Kharl Alix |
Lauren Mattison |
LokeshPrakash Manohar |
Mark Gerrish |
Maxwell Kinney |
Mia Devine |
Michael Eaton |
Michael Socks |
Mohit Dua |
Palmer Yurica |
Pranav Venkatesh |
Pranesh Venugopal |
Ravi Ratan Raj Monga |
Ricardo Baquero |
Richard Bryce |
Ritvij Dixit |
Robert Barron |
Sam Albert |
Sandhya Sundararagavan |
Sharan Suresh |
Steven Burns |
Sunil Mukundaraj |
Susan Guswa |
Tejal Kanitkar |
Venkat Shantanu Gaddam |
Venkatesh Kashyap |
Vismay Parmar |
Ziad Fleyhan |