matching recommendations
ARC | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
SIC | 2+ Digits Required | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
AR0166 #06 Y:1999 | 06 | 1999 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $11,974 | - | |
AR0125 #06 Y:1997 | 06 | 1997 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $89 | - | |
AR0123 #08 Y:1997 | 08 | 1997 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $1,020 | - | |
AR0122 #05 Y:1997 | 05 | 1997 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $1,278 | - | |
AR0120 #06 Y:1997 | 06 | 1997 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $256 | - | |
AR0119 #06 Y:1997 | 06 | 1997 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $498 | - | |
AR0117 #07 Y:1997 | 07 | 1997 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $840 | $150 | |
AR0115 #06 Y:1997 | 06 | 1997 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $129 | $100 | |
AR0114 #08 Y:1997 | 08 | 1997 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $286 | - | |
AR0110 #07 Y:1996 | 07 | 1996 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $600 | $100 | |
AR0108 #07 Y:1996 | 07 | 1996 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $835 | $100 | |
AR0085 #06 Y:1996 | 06 | 1996 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $122 | - | |
AR0067 #03 Y:1995 | 03 | 1995 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $2,262 | - | |
AR0042 #05 Y:1994 | 05 | 1994 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $16 | $50 | |
AR0012 #04 Y:1993 | 04 | 1993 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $1,373 | $100 | |
GT0470 #04 Y:1992 | 04 | 1992 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $3,837 | - | |
UD0247 #05 Y:1987 | 05 | 1987 | Overlap custodial services with normal day hours | $1,405 | $76 |