The Standard Industrial Classification SIC is a four-digit industrial classification system.
ARC | 2+ Digits Required | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
SIC | 2+ Digits Required | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
The North American Industry Classification System NAICS is now the standard industrial coding system.
SIC | Description | Assessments Assmt's | Recommendations Rec's | Potential Savings | ||
35xx | 35xx: Industrial And Commercial Machinery And Computer Equipment | 2,073 | 15,298 | $78k avg | ||
selected | 353x | 353x: Construction, Mining, And Materials Handling | 364 | 2,781 | $88k avg | ||
3531 | 3531: Construction Machinery and Equipment | 110 | 829 | $107k avg | |||
3532 | 3532: Mining Machinery and Equipment, Except Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment | 38 | 306 | $81k avg | |||
3533 | 3533: Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment | 96 | 718 | $88k avg | |||
3534 | 3534: Elevators and Moving Stairways | 18 | 150 | $98k avg | |||
3535 | 3535: Conveyors and Conveying Equipment | 48 | 349 | $40k avg | |||
3536 | 3536: Overhead Traveling Cranes, Hoists, and Monorail Systems | 12 | 98 | $76k avg | |||
3537 | 3537: Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, and Stackers | 42 | 331 | $101k avg |