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ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
MA0787 #01 Y:2017 | 01 | 2017 | Use solar heat for heat | $76,722 | $790,840 | |
MA0748 #03 Y:2015 | 03 | 2015 | Recover waste heat from equipment | $4,530 | $9,000 | |
MA0748 #02 Y:2015 | 02 | 2015 | Use waste heat from hot flue gases to preheat | $9,716 | $9,850 | |
MA0748 #01 Y:2015 | 01 | 2015 | Insulate bare equipment | $35,959 | $11,580 | |
MA0728 #04 Y:2014 | 04 | 2014 | Install / repair insulation on steam lines | $324 | $350 | |
MA0726 #03 Y:2013 | 03 | 2013 | Use adjustable frequency drive or multiple speed motors on existing system | $3,119 | $5,375 | |
MA0726 #02 Y:2013 | 02 | 2013 | Turn off equipment when not in use | $3,232 | $500 | |
MA0726 #01 Y:2013 | 01 | 2013 | Install fossil fuel make-up air unit | $25,418 | $110,000 | |
MA0714 #06 Y:2013 | 06 | 2013 | Use adjustable frequency drive or multiple speed motors on existing system | $3,354 | $9,300 | |
MA0714 #05 Y:2013 | 05 | 2013 | Insulate bare equipment | $4,187 | $7,500 | |
MA0714 #04 Y:2013 | 04 | 2013 | Insulate bare equipment | $4,919 | $12,300 | |
MA0702 #03 Y:2012 | 03 | 2012 | Install / repair insulation on steam lines | $1,102 | $2,210 | |
MA0699 #04 Y:2012 | 04 | 2012 | Eliminate/reduce an operation | $1,855 | $500 | |
MA0696 #09 Y:2012 | 09 | 2012 | Insulate bare equipment | $622 | $1,100 | |
MA0696 #06 Y:2012 | 06 | 2012 | Use adjustable frequency drive or multiple speed motors on existing system | $2,462 | $6,035 | |
MA0696 #04 Y:2012 | 04 | 2012 | Preheat combustion air with waste heat | $3,539 | $17,500 | |
MA0696 #03 Y:2012 | 03 | 2012 | Use optimum temperature | $6,647 | $4,000 | |
MA0687 #08 Y:2011 | 08 | 2011 | Insulate bare equipment | $637 | $1,250 | |
MA0687 #07 Y:2011 | 07 | 2011 | Use adjustable frequency drive or multiple speed motors on existing system | $2,306 | $4,500 | |
MA0687 #04 Y:2011 | 04 | 2011 | Condense operation into one building | $5,375 | $1,000 |