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ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
UL2314 #08 Y:2023 | 08 | 2023 | Use outside cold water source as a supply of cooling water | $2,765 | $100 | |
UL2314 #05 Y:2023 | 05 | 2023 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $5,061 | $4,320 | |
UL2312 #04 Y:2023 | 04 | 2023 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $3,248 | $1,620 | |
UL2312 #03 Y:2023 | 03 | 2023 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $450 | - | |
UL2312 #02 Y:2023 | 02 | 2023 | Improve air circulation with destratification fans / other methods | $5,419 | $15,000 | |
UL2312 #01 Y:2023 | 01 | 2023 | Install spectral reflectors / delamp | $5,925 | - | |
UL2311 #07 Y:2023 | 07 | 2023 | Repair and eliminate steam leaks | $3,418 | $1,000 | |
UL2311 #05 Y:2023 | 05 | 2023 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $2,230 | $1,980 | |
UL2311 #03 Y:2023 | 03 | 2023 | Use separate switches on perimeter lighting which may be turned off when natural light is available | $4,286 | $1,600 | |
UL2311 #01 Y:2023 | 01 | 2023 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $10,819 | $13,218 | |
UL2309 #04 Y:2023 | 04 | 2023 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $21,370 | $18,360 | |
UL2309 #03 Y:2023 | 03 | 2023 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $12,637 | - | |
UL2309 #02 Y:2023 | 02 | 2023 | Install occupancy sensors | $957 | $1,596 | |
UL2309 #01 Y:2023 | 01 | 2023 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $10,305 | $2,688 | |
UL2307 #07 Y:2023 | 07 | 2023 | Insulate glazing, walls, ceilings, and roofs | $36,790 | $34,740 | |
UL2307 #02 Y:2023 | 02 | 2023 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $15,654 | $33,973 | |
UL2307 #01 Y:2023 | 01 | 2023 | Install occupancy sensors | $1,100 | $2,693 | |
UL2306 #02 Y:2023 | 02 | 2023 | Lower temperature during the winter season and vice-versa | $336 | $600 | |
UL2305 #08 Y:2023 | 08 | 2023 | Lower temperature during the winter season and vice-versa | $1,779 | - | |
UL2305 #05 Y:2023 | 05 | 2023 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $2,738 | - |