matching recommendations
ARC | 2+ Digits Required | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
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3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
UU0202 #06 Y:2022 | 06 | 2022 | Repair or replace steam traps | $110,091 | $24,076 | |
UU0202 #02 Y:2022 | 02 | 2022 | Increase use of automation | $160,040 | $264,000 | |
UU0202 #01 Y:2022 | 01 | 2022 | Burn a less expensive grade of fuel | $459,131 | $54,000 | |
CO0741 #07 Y:2021 | 07 | 2021 | Reschedule plant operations or reduce load to avoid peaks | $51,454 | $3,624 | |
CO0741 #06 Y:2021 | 06 | 2021 | Use / purchase optimum sized compressor | $3,794 | - | |
CO0741 #05 Y:2021 | 05 | 2021 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $2,303 | $3,500 | |
CO0741 #04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | Use most efficient type of electric motors | $14,264 | $21,000 | |
CO0741 #03 Y:2021 | 03 | 2021 | Reschedule plant operations or reduce load to avoid peaks | $15,984 | - | |
CO0738 #04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $228 | $200 | |
CO0738 #02 Y:2021 | 02 | 2021 | Use / purchase optimum sized compressor | $1,613 | $2,285 | |
CO0706 #04 Y:2015 | 04 | 2015 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $25,210 | $57,920 | |
CO0706 #02 Y:2015 | 02 | 2015 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $7,510 | $1,200 | |
CO0656 #05 Y:2012 | 05 | 2012 | Reduce illumination to minimum necessary levels | $2,280 | $260 | |
CO0656 #04 Y:2012 | 04 | 2012 | Apply for tax-free status for energy purchases | $7,530 | $4,000 | |
CO0656 #02 Y:2012 | 02 | 2012 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $24,770 | $53,300 | |
CO0656 #01 Y:2012 | 01 | 2012 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $4,170 | $630 | |
CO0595 #03 Y:2006 | 03 | 2006 | Use most efficient type of electric motors | $998 | $1,644 | |
CO0595 #02 Y:2006 | 02 | 2006 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $5,390 | $290 | |
CO0579 #10 Y:2005 | 10 | 2005 | Use solar heat to heat water | $1,380 | $5,220 | |
CO0579 #07 Y:2005 | 07 | 2005 | Upgrade controls on compressors | $280 | $380 |