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ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
NV0170 #04 Y:2000 | 04 | 2000 | Recover and reuse waste material | $8,109 | $14,542 | |
NV0170 #03 Y:2000 | 03 | 2000 | Install compressor air intakes in coolest locations | $985 | $100 | |
NV0170 #02 Y:2000 | 02 | 2000 | Modify refrigeration system to operate at a lower pressure | $1,709 | $95 | |
NV0170 #01 Y:2000 | 01 | 2000 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $10,657 | $360 | |
NV0169 #06 Y:2000 | 06 | 2000 | Eliminate/reduce redundant inspections | $13,013 | $1,000 | |
NV0169 #05 Y:2000 | 05 | 2000 | Install an uninteruptable power supply | $164,384 | $1,250 | |
NV0169 #04 Y:2000 | 04 | 2000 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $308 | $661 | |
NV0169 #03 Y:2000 | 03 | 2000 | Install / repair insulation on steam lines | $865 | $620 | |
NV0169 #02 Y:2000 | 02 | 2000 | Install skylights | $13,086 | $25,700 | |
NV0169 #01 Y:2000 | 01 | 2000 | Turn off equipment when not in use | $16,388 | $5,060 | |
NV0168 #05 Y:2000 | 05 | 2000 | Install equipment (eg compactor) to reduce disposal costs | $6,086 | $2,074 | n/a |
NV0168 #04 Y:2000 | 04 | 2000 | Recover and reuse waste material | $99,450 | $400 | n/a |
NV0168 #03 Y:2000 | 03 | 2000 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $4,700 | $8,947 | n/a |
NV0168 #02 Y:2000 | 02 | 2000 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $1,550 | - | n/a |
NV0168 #01 Y:2000 | 01 | 2000 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $23,982 | $160 | n/a |
NV0167 #04 Y:2000 | 04 | 2000 | Re-arrange equipment layout to reduce labor costs | $3,315 | $680 | |
NV0167 #03 Y:2000 | 03 | 2000 | Install equipment (eg compactor) to reduce disposal costs | $229 | - | |
NV0167 #02 Y:2000 | 02 | 2000 | Install compressor air intakes in coolest locations | $414 | $50 | |
NV0167 #01 Y:2000 | 01 | 2000 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $2,639 | $200 | |
NV0166 #05 Y:2000 | 05 | 2000 | Automate finishing process | $195,000 | $3,465 | n/a |