matching recommendations
ARC | Use squeegees, mops, and vacuums for floor cleaning | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
SIC | 2+ Digits Required | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
MU0060 #07 Y:2024 | 07 | 2024 | Use squeegees, mops, and vacuums for floor cleaning | $1,733 | $5,000 |
SF0542 #06 Y:2019 | 06 | 2019 | Use squeegees, mops, and vacuums for floor cleaning | $3,054 | $9,087 | |
CO0482 #08 Y:2001 | 08 | 2001 | Use squeegees, mops, and vacuums for floor cleaning | $16,420 | $730 | |
IA0108 #08 Y:1995 | 08 | 1995 | Use squeegees, mops, and vacuums for floor cleaning | $589 | $400 | |
CO0316 #07 Y:1994 | 07 | 1994 | Use squeegees, mops, and vacuums for floor cleaning | $3,260 | $700 |