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ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
WV0614 #09 Y:2021 | 09 | 2021 | Eliminate or reduce compressed air usage | $1,124 | $1,083 | |
WV0614 #08 Y:2021 | 08 | 2021 | Eliminate or reduce compressed air usage | $2,815 | $60 | |
WV0614 #07 Y:2021 | 07 | 2021 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $3,283 | $450 | |
WV0614 #06 Y:2021 | 06 | 2021 | Utilize energy-efficient belts and other improved mechanisms | $7,463 | $2,884 | |
WV0614 #05 Y:2021 | 05 | 2021 | Develop a repair/replace policy | $7,526 | $5,317 | |
WV0614 #04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $13,396 | $38,385 | |
WV0614 #03 Y:2021 | 03 | 2021 | Establish a predictive maintenance program | $14,148 | $1,000 | |
CL2105 #10 Y:2021 | 10 | 2021 | Replace treated water with well / surface water | $2,591 | $600 | |
CL2105 #06 Y:2021 | 06 | 2021 | Keep doors and windows shut when not on use | $63 | - | |
CL2105 #04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $23,819 | $2,100 | |
CL2105 #02 Y:2021 | 02 | 2021 | Install occupancy sensors | $25,163 | $8,200 | |
CL2105 #01 Y:2021 | 01 | 2021 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $69,993 | $55,908 | |
CL2102 #04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | Turn off equipment when not in use | $6,049 | - | |
CL2102 #03 Y:2021 | 03 | 2021 | Utilize energy-efficient belts and other improved mechanisms | $2,176 | $2,846 | |
CL2102 #01 Y:2021 | 01 | 2021 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $10,814 | $3,180 | |
NC0657 #04 Y:2020 | 04 | 2020 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $1,082 | $5,265 | |
NC0657 #02 Y:2020 | 02 | 2020 | Turn off equipment when not in use | $194 | $493 | |
NC0655 #04 Y:2020 | 04 | 2020 | Eliminate or reduce compressed air usage | $310 | $500 | |
NC0652 #04 Y:2020 | 04 | 2020 | Change rate schedules or other changes in utility service | $11,865 | $500 | |
NC0652 #03 Y:2020 | 03 | 2020 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $465 | $390 |