matching recommendations
ARC | 2+ Digits Required | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
SIC | 2+ Digits Required | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
DS0175 #06 Y:2000 | 06 | 2000 | Eliminate/reduce redundant inspections | $66,482 | $72,000 | |
DS0175 #05 Y:2000 | 05 | 2000 | Lease / purchase baler; sell cardboard to recycler | $832 | $4,230 | |
DS0175 #04 Y:2000 | 04 | 2000 | Install timers and/or thermostats | $2,005 | $330 | |
DS0175 #03 Y:2000 | 03 | 2000 | Optimize plant power factor | $1,540 | $2,100 | |
DS0175 #02 Y:2000 | 02 | 2000 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $725 | $96 | |
DS0175 #01 Y:2000 | 01 | 2000 | Recover waste heat from equipment | $3,708 | $1,337 | |
DS0174 #05 Y:2000 | 05 | 2000 | Begin a practice of predictive / preventative maintenance | $365 | - | |
DS0174 #04 Y:2000 | 04 | 2000 | Automate finishing process | $45,038 | $6,995 | |
DS0174 #03 Y:2000 | 03 | 2000 | Install occupancy sensors | $300 | $540 | |
DS0174 #02 Y:2000 | 02 | 2000 | Utilize controls to operate equipment only when needed | $403 | $238 | |
DS0174 #01 Y:2000 | 01 | 2000 | Reduce ventilation air | $8,393 | $4,500 | |
DS0173 #07 Y:2000 | 07 | 2000 | Replace existing equipment with more suitable substitutes | $5,520 | - | |
DS0173 #06 Y:2000 | 06 | 2000 | Sell combustible waste | $2,721 | $8,050 | |
DS0173 #05 Y:2000 | 05 | 2000 | Lease / purchase baler; sell cardboard to recycler | $5,574 | $8,370 | |
DS0173 #04 Y:2000 | 04 | 2000 | Disconnect ballasts | $734 | $160 | |
DS0173 #03 Y:2000 | 03 | 2000 | Install timers and/or thermostats | $1,399 | $1,595 | |
DS0173 #02 Y:2000 | 02 | 2000 | Optimize plant power factor | $588 | $700 | |
DS0173 #01 Y:2000 | 01 | 2000 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $1,510 | $3,702 | |
DS0172 #07 Y:2000 | 07 | 2000 | Install shelves / racks to utilize unused space | $4,500 | $17,260 | |
DS0172 #06 Y:2000 | 06 | 2000 | Install equipment to move product | $1,287 | $450 |