matching recommendations
ARC | 2+ Digits Required | |
NAICS | Other metal container manufacturing | |
SIC | 2+ Digits Required | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
SF0577 #05 Y:2021 | 05 | 2021 | Use solar heat to make electricty | $77,365 | $283,655 | |
SF0577 #04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | Upgrade controls on compressors | $4,632 | $30,160 | |
SF0577 #03 Y:2021 | 03 | 2021 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $10,636 | $26,920 | |
SF0577 #02 Y:2021 | 02 | 2021 | Utilize energy-efficient belts and other improved mechanisms | $141 | $62 | |
SF0577 #01 Y:2021 | 01 | 2021 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $3,483 | - | |
UA0237 #05 Y:2021 | 05 | 2021 | Utilize energy-efficient belts and other improved mechanisms | $985 | $141 | |
UA0237 #04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | Reduce space conditioning during non-working hours | $12,431 | $551 | |
UA0237 #03 Y:2021 | 03 | 2021 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $4,989 | $50 | |
UA0237 #02 Y:2021 | 02 | 2021 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $13,075 | $9,020 | |
UA0237 #01 Y:2021 | 01 | 2021 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $46,741 | $78,276 | |
SD0595 #06 Y:2020 | 06 | 2020 | Cover open tanks | $551 | $818 | |
SD0595 #05 Y:2020 | 05 | 2020 | Repair and eliminate steam leaks | $727 | $600 | |
SD0595 #04 Y:2020 | 04 | 2020 | Use waste heat from hot flue gases to preheat | $5,799 | $8,000 | |
SD0595 #03 Y:2020 | 03 | 2020 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $679 | $1,983 | |
SD0595 #02 Y:2020 | 02 | 2020 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $629 | - | |
SD0595 #01 Y:2020 | 01 | 2020 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $2,029 | $300 | |
UK1915 #07 Y:2019 | 07 | 2019 | Optimize plant power factor | $127,719 | $54,495 |
UK1915 #06 Y:2019 | 06 | 2019 | Insulate bare equipment | $13,534 | $26,305 |
UK1915 #05 Y:2019 | 05 | 2019 | Replace treated water with well / surface water | $53,903 | $10,200 |
UK1915 #04 Y:2019 | 04 | 2019 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $19,983 | $21,695 |