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ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
TN0696 #08 Y:2000 | 08 | 2000 | Establish a predictive maintenance program | $33,720 | $5,075 | |
TN0696 #07 Y:2000 | 07 | 2000 | Isolate steam lines to avoid heating air conditioned areas | $31,500 | - | |
TN0696 #06 Y:2000 | 06 | 2000 | Reschedule plant operations or reduce load to avoid peaks | $35,400 | $18,900 | |
TN0696 #05 Y:2000 | 05 | 2000 | Purchase gas directly from a contract gas supplier | $50,500 | - | |
TN0696 #04 Y:2000 | 04 | 2000 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $68,153 | $6,800 | |
TN0696 #03 Y:2000 | 03 | 2000 | Modify current incentive program | $78,500 | $16,450 | |
TN0696 #02 Y:2000 | 02 | 2000 | Utilize an evaporative air pre-cooler or other heat exchanger in ac system | $182,800 | $173,400 | |
TN0696 #01 Y:2000 | 01 | 2000 | Begin a practice of predictive / preventative maintenance | $184,000 | $44,000 | |
TN0695 #11 Y:2000 | 11 | 2000 | Install timers and/or thermostats | $2,160 | $2,820 | n/a |
TN0695 #10 Y:2000 | 10 | 2000 | Install spectral reflectors / delamp | $2,880 | $1,850 | n/a |
TN0695 #09 Y:2000 | 09 | 2000 | Install vinyl strip / high speed / air curtain doors | $3,800 | $5,510 | n/a |
TN0695 #08 Y:2000 | 08 | 2000 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $6,245 | - | n/a |
TN0695 #07 Y:2000 | 07 | 2000 | Use cooling tower or economizer to replace chiller cooling | $15,015 | $21,850 | n/a |
TN0695 #06 Y:2000 | 06 | 2000 | Change procedures / equipment / operating conditions | $20,730 | $1,175 | n/a |
TN0695 #05 Y:2000 | 05 | 2000 | Use demand controller or load shedder | $26,200 | $18,500 | n/a |
TN0695 #04 Y:2000 | 04 | 2000 | Change procedures / equipment / operating conditions | $28,960 | $52,400 | n/a |
TN0695 #03 Y:2000 | 03 | 2000 | Establish a predictive maintenance program | $50,645 | $5,075 | n/a |
TN0695 #02 Y:2000 | 02 | 2000 | Separate and recycle scrap metal to foundry or for sale | $52,800 | $320 | n/a |
TN0695 #01 Y:2000 | 01 | 2000 | Modify current incentive program | $80,000 | $16,690 | n/a |
TN0694 #11 Y:2000 | 11 | 2000 | Turn off equipment when not in use | $1,365 | - |