matching recommendations
ARC | 2+ Digits Required | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
SIC | Travel trailers and campers | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
BS0007 #06 Y:2012 | 06 | 2012 | Insulate glazing, walls, ceilings, and roofs | $3,204 | $7,725 | |
BS0007 #05 Y:2012 | 05 | 2012 | Utilize daylight whenever possible in lieu of artificial light | $1,845 | $6,260 | |
BS0007 #04 Y:2012 | 04 | 2012 | Install occupancy sensors | $186 | $300 | |
BS0007 #03 Y:2012 | 03 | 2012 | Utilize energy-efficient belts and other improved mechanisms | $98 | - | |
BS0007 #02 Y:2012 | 02 | 2012 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $3,760 | $649 | |
BS0007 #01 Y:2012 | 01 | 2012 | Replace existing equipment with more suitable substitutes | $1,790 | $4,911 | |
UD0764 #08 Y:2007 | 08 | 2007 | Utilize energy-efficient belts and other improved mechanisms | $2,437 | - | |
UD0764 #07 Y:2007 | 07 | 2007 | Install occupancy sensors | $3,230 | $760 | |
UD0764 #06 Y:2007 | 06 | 2007 | Install replacement doors | $6,223 | $13,000 | |
UD0764 #05 Y:2007 | 05 | 2007 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $4,675 | $1,275 | |
UD0764 #04 Y:2007 | 04 | 2007 | Optimize plant power factor | $24,334 | $6,000 | |
UD0764 #03 Y:2007 | 03 | 2007 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $24,818 | $49,600 | |
UD0764 #02 Y:2007 | 02 | 2007 | Insulate bare equipment | $35,952 | $98,336 | |
UD0764 #01 Y:2007 | 01 | 2007 | Use waste heat from hot flue gases to preheat | $101,033 | $243,645 | |
OR0413 #06 Y:2002 | 06 | 2002 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $220 | $50 | |
OR0413 #05 Y:2002 | 05 | 2002 | Modify workload | $1,250,300 | $29,300 | n/a |
OR0413 #04 Y:2002 | 04 | 2002 | Move product using mechanical means | $3,500 | $2,800 | |
OR0413 #03 Y:2002 | 03 | 2002 | Train operators for maximum operating efficiency | $142,400 | $25,000 | n/a |
OR0413 #02 Y:2002 | 02 | 2002 | Cross-train personnel to avoid lost time | $214,000 | $5,000 | |
OR0413 #01 Y:2002 | 01 | 2002 | Expand operations into unused space | $10,000 | $1,200 |