matching recommendations
ARC | 2+ Digits Required | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
SIC | Noncurrent-carrying wiring devices | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
NT0013 #07 Y:2023 | 07 | 2023 | Change procedures / equipment / operating conditions | $720,000 | $120,000 | |
NT0013 #06 Y:2023 | 06 | 2023 | Lower temperature during the winter season and vice-versa | $1,102 | - | |
NT0013 #05 Y:2023 | 05 | 2023 | Adjust / maintain fork lift trucks for most efficient operation | $17,430 | $54,000 | |
NT0013 #04 Y:2023 | 04 | 2023 | Clean or color roof to reduce solar load | $49,000 | $83,421 | |
NT0013 #03 Y:2023 | 03 | 2023 | Optimize plant power factor | $10,076 | $5,043 | |
NT0013 #02 Y:2023 | 02 | 2023 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $3,755 | $21,512 | |
NT0013 #01 Y:2023 | 01 | 2023 | Upgrade controls on compressors | $71,747 | $106,919 | |
NC0662 #07 Y:2021 | 07 | 2021 | Use or replace with energy efficient substitutes | $78,648 | $250,000 |
NC0662 #06 Y:2021 | 06 | 2021 | Use a fossil fuel engine to cogenerate electricity or motive power; and utilize heat | $19,234 | $75,000 |
NC0662 #05 Y:2021 | 05 | 2021 | Install occupancy sensors | $64 | $280 |
NC0662 #04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $3,566 | $3,150 |
NC0662 #03 Y:2021 | 03 | 2021 | Replace electrically-operated equipment with fossil fuel equipment | $10,634 | $39,970 |
NC0662 #02 Y:2021 | 02 | 2021 | Recover waste heat from equipment | $4,792 | $5,472 |
NC0662 #01 Y:2021 | 01 | 2021 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $4,757 | $2,000 |
TT0224 #10 Y:2019 | 10 | 2019 | Turn off equipment when not in use | $792 | $40 | |
TT0224 #09 Y:2019 | 09 | 2019 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $1,042 | $640 | |
TT0224 #08 Y:2019 | 08 | 2019 | Use optimum thickness insulation | $3,722 | $10,752 | |
TT0224 #07 Y:2019 | 07 | 2019 | Upgrade controls on compressors | $7,188 | $600 | |
TT0224 #06 Y:2019 | 06 | 2019 | Meter recycled water (to reduce sewer charges) | $9,767 | $1,910 | |
TT0224 #05 Y:2019 | 05 | 2019 | Install timers and/or thermostats | $14,353 | $500 |