matching recommendations
ARC | 2+ Digits Required | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
SIC | Men's and boys' separate trousers and slacks | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
TN0664 #05 Y:1999 | 05 | 1999 | Replace old machine with new automatic multi-station tool | $32,000 | $78,250 | |
TN0664 #04 Y:1999 | 04 | 1999 | Modify current incentive program | $67,500 | $16,375 | |
TN0664 #03 Y:1999 | 03 | 1999 | Recover waste heat from equipment | $473 | $825 | |
TN0664 #02 Y:1999 | 02 | 1999 | Install spectral reflectors / delamp | $2,574 | $7,230 | |
TN0664 #01 Y:1999 | 01 | 1999 | Recover and reuse waste material | $11,400 | $2,800 | |
MS0105 #07 Y:1997 | 07 | 1997 | Modify storage space to avoid rental of a warehouse | $4,650 | $5,000 | |
MS0105 #06 Y:1997 | 06 | 1997 | Use less wasteful packaging | $1,997 | $34,896 | |
MS0105 #05 Y:1997 | 05 | 1997 | Change rate schedules or other changes in utility service | $2,285 | - | |
MS0105 #04 Y:1997 | 04 | 1997 | Reduce illumination to minimum necessary levels | $1,134 | - | |
MS0105 #03 Y:1997 | 03 | 1997 | Close off unneeded steam lines | $176 | - | |
MS0105 #02 Y:1997 | 02 | 1997 | Air condition only space necessary | $1,716 | - | |
MS0105 #01 Y:1997 | 01 | 1997 | Use waste heat from hot flue gases to preheat | $16,334 | $5,000 | |
KG0082 #09 Y:1996 | 09 | 1996 | Optimize production lot sizes and inventories | $38,025 | - | n/a |
KG0082 #08 Y:1996 | 08 | 1996 | Regrind, reuse, or sell scrap plastic parts | $2,174 | $1,079 | n/a |
KG0082 #07 Y:1996 | 07 | 1996 | Regrind, reuse, or sell scrap plastic parts | $5,525 | - | n/a |
KG0082 #06 Y:1996 | 06 | 1996 | Lease / purchase baler; sell cardboard to recycler | $15,960 | - | n/a |
KG0082 #05 Y:1996 | 05 | 1996 | Install timers and/or thermostats | $823 | $600 | n/a |
KG0082 #04 Y:1996 | 04 | 1996 | Utilize energy-efficient belts and other improved mechanisms | $1,210 | $2,650 | n/a |
KG0082 #03 Y:1996 | 03 | 1996 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $1,669 | $604 | n/a |
KG0082 #02 Y:1996 | 02 | 1996 | Use adjustable frequency drive or multiple speed motors on existing system | $4,010 | $14,000 | n/a |