matching recommendations
ARC | 2+ Digits Required | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
SIC | Phonograph records and prerecorded audio tapes and disks | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
SD0564 #05 Y:2018 | 05 | 2018 | Reduce the pressure of compressed air to the minimum required | $973 | $400 | |
SD0564 #04 Y:2018 | 04 | 2018 | Use photocell controls | $1,676 | $2,046 | |
SD0564 #03 Y:2018 | 03 | 2018 | Use most efficient type of electric motors | $5,302 | $2,468 | |
SD0564 #02 Y:2018 | 02 | 2018 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $8,666 | $27,785 | |
SD0564 #01 Y:2018 | 01 | 2018 | Recharge batteries on during off-peak demand periods | $17,517 | $86,400 | |
GT0783 #09 Y:2004 | 09 | 2004 | Install occupancy sensors | $5,000 | $1,500 | |
GT0783 #08 Y:2004 | 08 | 2004 | Reduce illumination to minimum necessary levels | $12,875 | $655 | |
GT0783 #07 Y:2004 | 07 | 2004 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $16,242 | $20,982 | |
GT0783 #06 Y:2004 | 06 | 2004 | Use optimum size and capacity equipment | $4,190 | $1,020 | |
GT0783 #05 Y:2004 | 05 | 2004 | Meter waste water | $33,200 | $2,000 | |
GT0783 #04 Y:2004 | 04 | 2004 | Turn off equipment during breaks, reduce operating time | $35,410 | - | |
GT0783 #03 Y:2004 | 03 | 2004 | Improve air circulation with destratification fans / other methods | $28,110 | $3,700 | |
GT0783 #02 Y:2004 | 02 | 2004 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $1,870 | $1,250 | |
GT0783 #01 Y:2004 | 01 | 2004 | Eliminate or reduce compressed air usage | $7,670 | $3,000 | |
MI0020 #07 Y:2001 | 07 | 2001 | Reduce illumination to minimum necessary levels | $10,304 | $256 | |
MI0020 #06 Y:2001 | 06 | 2001 | Reduce illumination to minimum necessary levels | $5,932 | $256 | |
MI0020 #05 Y:2001 | 05 | 2001 | Lower temperature during the winter season and vice-versa | $21,743 | $16 | |
MI0020 #04 Y:2001 | 04 | 2001 | Replace existing hvac unit with high efficiency model | $48,965 | $16 | |
MI0020 #03 Y:2001 | 03 | 2001 | Modify startup/shutdown times | $14,899 | $139 | |
MI0020 #02 Y:2001 | 02 | 2001 | Redesign process | $24,074 | $13,312 |