matching recommendations
ARC | 2+ Digits Required | |
NAICS | 3+ Digits Required | |
SIC | Porcelain electrical supplies | |
3+ Characters Required for Products |
ID | # | Year | Description | Yearly Savings |
Imp Cost |
Status |
NL0051 #07 Y:2020 | 07 | 2020 | Install occupancy sensors | $418 | $1,250 | |
NL0051 #06 Y:2020 | 06 | 2020 | Eliminate leaks in water lines and valves | $435 | $85 | |
NL0051 #05 Y:2020 | 05 | 2020 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $631 | $500 | |
NL0051 #04 Y:2020 | 04 | 2020 | Use most efficient type of electric motors | $3,333 | $13,737 | |
NL0051 #03 Y:2020 | 03 | 2020 | Utilize energy-efficient belts and other improved mechanisms | $5,482 | $984 | |
NL0051 #02 Y:2020 | 02 | 2020 | Replace obsolete burners with more efficient ones | $12,899 | $13,024 | |
NL0051 #01 Y:2020 | 01 | 2020 | Reschedule plant operations or reduce load to avoid peaks | $24,034 | $128 | |
TT0210 #05 Y:2018 | 05 | 2018 | Apply for investment incentives | $579 | $100 | |
TT0210 #04 Y:2018 | 04 | 2018 | Install timers and/or thermostats | $716 | $250 | |
TT0210 #03 Y:2018 | 03 | 2018 | Install occupancy sensors | $1,508 | $3,630 | |
TT0210 #02 Y:2018 | 02 | 2018 | Eliminate leaks in inert gas and compressed air lines/ valves | $8,663 | $2,000 | |
TT0210 #01 Y:2018 | 01 | 2018 | Centralize control of exhaust fans to ensure their shutdown, or establish program to ensure manual shutdown | $13,015 | $9,600 | |
OK0931 #09 Y:2015 | 09 | 2015 | Install compressor air intakes in coolest locations | $143 | $182 | |
OK0931 #08 Y:2015 | 08 | 2015 | Recover waste heat from equipment | $2,151 | $1,256 | |
OK0931 #07 Y:2015 | 07 | 2015 | Use radiant heater for spot heating | $2,973 | $11,940 | |
OK0931 #06 Y:2015 | 06 | 2015 | Reduce space conditioning during non-working hours | $1,555 | $1,498 | |
OK0931 #05 Y:2015 | 05 | 2015 | Clean and maintain refrigerant condensers and towers | $1,235 | $590 | |
OK0931 #04 Y:2015 | 04 | 2015 | Replace existing hvac unit with high efficiency model | $2,634 | $8,294 | |
OK0931 #03 Y:2015 | 03 | 2015 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $9,661 | $28,728 | |
OK0931 #02 Y:2015 | 02 | 2015 | Utilize higher efficiency lamps and/or ballasts | $2,893 | $11,689 |